1. Gift cards
Starbucks, Dunkin, TJMaxx, Chipotle, Forever21...I'm just throwing out ideas here off the top of my head. If you're low on cash, just get a simple $5-$10 gift card for someone. It doesn't seem like much, but any gift from a financially struggling student is usually appreciated a bit more.
2. Original work
You may not be Bob Ross, but maybe you have another similar talent. Close friends and family will especially appreciate if you create something original for them, be it a drawing, a poem, a photograph, or really anything else. Hey, if you're a photographer like me, you could offer a free session as a Christmas gift. If you have the talent and the time, anything works.
3. Socks
Remember when we were kids and HATED getting socks as gifts? Yeah, that hatred slowly turns into love the older you get – especially considering how easily socks can get lost and mismatched. And if you're shopping for someone who lives in a colder climate, fuzzy socks or cabin socks are perfect. And they're pretty cheap, too.
4. Chocolate
Most people like chocolate. And you can buy some pretty nice boxes, like Ferrero Rocher or specialty ones that only come out at Christmastime. It's definitely a gift that'll cost less than 20 bucks and will be savored for a while.
5. Candles
This may not go for everyone, but I LOOOOVE candles. Candles are such a nice, warm, and deliciously scented way to brighten up any home.
6. Customized jewelry
I know you might be thinking, "That sounds expensive." But actually, some bracelets can be bought online for less than $20. Last year, I bought some at a flea market that were pretty cheap and really nice. You just have to do a little digging to find the best deals.
7. Sweaters
Sweaters are nice, timeless gifts that usually (unless it's some super expensive brand) are reasonable in price.
8. Or any kind of clothes, for that matter
This one is a little iffy since you have to know the person's style pretty well. But usually, stores like TJMaxx have good deals on designer-name labels.
9. Homemade DIY crafts
In the past, I've given people homemade candles as well as sugar and salt scrubs. Some DIY gifts are pretty simple to make and super inexpensive.
10. Any assortment of on-sale Walmart gifts
You know how Walmart (or any low-price store, for that matter – dollar stores are good too) usually has certain movies or candy on sale for a couple of dollars? Buying someone a package of assorted on-sale items can be a great gift while still staying on budget.