Many of us use google to search up quick answers to the difficult questions we have in life such as which drugstore mascara is the best, what the lyrics are to Rihanna’s new song “Work”, and the address to the closest McDonald's. But few of us know of the smart and money saving tool, Google Flights. Recently, I was looking for a website that had cheap flight tickets, so my smart solution was to go on Google and search “flights.” The first thing that appeared was something called Google Flights. I clicked on it and came to discover this sneaky search tool! When I found it I literally felt like it was hiding from me and didn’t want to be found. Honestly, a feeling as if a guy was cheating on me and I've never even been in a relationship. So if you love to travel and love yourself some good deals then Google will once again come to amaze you with its brilliance and answers to our laziness. Just follow the steps bellow and you're in for a quick adventure.
1. Go to or you can Google “Flights” and it should be the first link to appear. 2. Click on the link and it will lead you to the page below. Onto step number three! (this is where the magic happens)
3. Okay, let's say you want to visit Portland, Oregon. Go ahead and plug in the destination and date, and voila! It should now show you the cheapest flights! Tip: Make sure to play around with the dates because sometimes a little pop up shows up and suggest different dates that can lead up to you having a longer vacation or for a better price!
4. Now, all you have to do is purchase the flight... that is unless you are very selective on your airline choice... then you can buy expensive flights? You do you!
5. Now, let's say you don’t know where you want to go but you’re on a budget! No biggie! Just go back to step 2, scroll down, and click on “Explore destinations”!
Not many destinations, but if you're spontaneous by all means go for it! Also, it is not just for the United States, but you can travel wherever you want to go. Make sure to mess around with the departure and arrival dates and to keep an eye out for the "Date tip" in step 3 and click on it until it notifies you that it is the lowest ticket price! Another tip: mess around with the airport you are planning to leave from.For example if you live in the Los Angels area try Long Beach airport instead of LAX, because sometimes it will be cheaper!
I am telling you, this is a time saver and Google just keeps getting better and better! Say goodbye to flipping through airline websites to compare prices and say hello to Google Flights! Now ladies and gentlemen, the world is yours, and for a cheaper price.