I think it's about time that I publicly announce that I have no idea what I'm doing.
I don't why I'm in my major. I don't know what I'm going to do after college. I don't have the slightest idea of what my goal is in my career. I don't know where I'm going to be next year. I don't even know what I'm going eat for lunch or wear tomorrow!
I really don't know anything and that can be hard to say. I want control over my life. I want to know every answer.
I bought a planner so I could put my life together and act like I have plan for my life. Like I actually know what I'm doing.
I also like to fool everyone and tell them what I would like to do after college, but honestly, I don't know.
Do you ever feel like that? Do you feel like you don't know where your life is going? Do you ever fool the people around you like that?
In the midst of having a semi-emotional breakdown, I realized that I'm never going to know what to do. I'm never going to have all the answers.
But guess what. IT'S OKAY! know that's hard to believe, but trust me.
Now, this is going to sound really cliché, because I know you've heard "you can't do this by yourself, so give it all to God," or "God has a plan so listen don't worry," millions of times.
But the question is, have you actually done those things? Have you actually gone to God, in prayer, telling Him that you need His help, that you don't know what you are doing and that you need Him in your life? Have you ever asked Him to lead you? Do you actually listen to His plan?
Stop trying to plan your life out on your own. You can't do it.
God wants to help you, but He wants you to ask. He wants to have fellowship with you! He wants you to come after Him because HE IS COMING AFTER YOU!
So, I don't know where I'm going, but I'm chasing after Him. I'm chasing after His grace and His holiness.
It's time to stop chasing after our plans for the future and start chasing after Christ. He will show you your path. You just have to be patient and trust Him.
Chase after Him.
Song of Worship: Nvr Stp - Mosaic MSC