" The Office" is one of the most iconic TV shows in history. Whether you watched the nine seasons happen live, or watched the entire show on Netflix in three weeks, the characters, jokes, famous scenes, and relationships on "The Office" are the best, and dearly missed.
With that being said, this is the list of what character of "The Office" matches up with the university you may or may not attend. Please enjoy.
1. Andy Bernard: Ohio State University
Tons of school spirit, energy and pride.
2. Toby Flenderson: University of Toledo
The University of Toledo and Toby have a lot in common. They're both great, have a lot to offer, and for whatever reason, are often looked down upon. Toby, although everyone has a fun time making fun of him, really is a caring, warm hearted individual. He fits UT so well because, like so many people that I know that go to Toledo, he is a total sweetheart.
3. Jim Halpert: University of Cincinnati
Hilarious, hard working (when he needs to be), and has a lot of plans for the future.
4. Dwight Schrute: Case Western Reserve University
I used this picture of Dwight simply because it's how Case kids look not only during finals week, but every week school is in session. Their work ethic, intensity, passion and drive, match up to the way Dwight works on a day to day basis perfectly.
5. Kelly Kapoor: Kent State University
Happy, peppy, talkative and lovable, Kelly has one of the biggest personalities on the TV show. She's hard to miss, and even harder to ignore — just like Kent, and all of its students.
6. Oscar Martinez: Miami University
Extremely smart. Witty comments. Always well dressed. Do I need to say more?
7. Creed Bratton: Bowling Green State University
A little crazy, not too sure what he's up to, the underlined funniest person on the show. You hate that you love him... just like BG.
8. Robert California: Cleveland State University
Relaxed yet aggressive, city-like and has the "too cool for school" attitude 24/7. Sounds like CSU to me.
9. Ryan Howard: John Carroll University
Confident, smart, crazy and sometimes all over the place. (He ends up successful, don't worry.)
10. Michael Scott: Ohio University
The place that people from other schools go to to have a good time. Funny, sarcastic and the star of the show.
11. Erin Hannon: University of Dayton
Erin loves working at the office the same way people at Dayton love Dayton — loud — and they let you know it.
12. Pam Beesly: University of Akron
Sweet as can be, wants to be liked and cares about everyone.