One Tree Hill is a drama that aired on The CW from 2003-2012. It’s still very popular today, and is currently streaming on Hulu. It consists of 9 seasons filled with constant drama. It’s similar to other CW dramas, but it will suck you in and take away hours of your life.
You’ll have characters you absolutely can’t stand, and characters you absolutely love.
1. Whitey Durham
Whitey is the wisest of them all, and never had an issue helping anyone.
2. Brooke Davis
Brooke was pegged as the mean rich girl, but was genuinely the most consistent character (and also one of the most kind-hearted).
3. Keith Scott
He deserved better. That’s all.
4. Jamie Scott
It’s impossible not to love Jamie Scott.
5. "Mouth" McFadden
Mouth always tried to do the right thing, and always thought of his friends first.
6. "Skills" Taylor
Skills also thought of his friends first, and actually never did anything wrong throughout the entire show.
7. Lucas Scott
Lucas was always really helpful when people were in need, but he also couldn’t make up his mind for the life of him.
8. Quinn James
Quinn takes nobody’s shit, but she’s still the sweetest thing.
9. Haley James Scott
Haley is generally a good person, but sometimes it seems like she thinks of only herself.
10. Clayton Evans
Clay was such a good character all around, if he was in the show longer he easily could’ve taken the #1 spot.
11. Nathan Scott
Nathan wasn’t the best guy before he started dating Haley, but he changed himself a lot. He had his moments that weren’t his best, but he was still good to everyone generally.
12. Peyton Sawyer
Peyton definitely didn’t have it easy, but she sometimes ignored the fact that other people struggle too.
13. Julian Baker
Julian was kind of shady at first, but he ended up being a really great guy to Brooke.
14. Rachel Gatina
Rachel was kind of horrible to everyone except for Mouth and Brooke.
15. Millicent Huxtable
Millicent was a pretty solid character until she went completely off the rails, and treated everyone horribly.
16. Alex Dupre
Also pretty horrible to everyone, but she had a few moments where she proved herself to be not so bad.
17. Victoria Davis
She treats Brooke like trash, so she’s trash.
18. Dan Scott
Literally one of the absolute worst characters to ever be in a show. I don’t have words to describe how much I hate him.