"My mother's prayers have always followed me. They have clung to me."
1. Independence
Learning the meaning of unconditional love began at an early age. Unconditional in a sense where even if you were in a rush to get on the bus in the morning, your mother was there to guide you through your morning routine. You picked out your clothes for school the night before and you did your hair in the morning, she allowed you to be independentin that way. It meant she waved goodbye to you as the bus drove off, and blew you a kiss before she went about her own day.
2. Generosity
Your mother was your first role model, first friend, and your current best friend. Now-a-days, you tell each other everything and keep each other sane, through physicality, through prayer, through emotions. Your mother is honest in a kind way, meaning she'll tell you if the outfit you tried on is terrible but will reassure you it's the clothing honey, not you. You watched your mother sacrifice and climb mountains just for you, her daughter, because she's the only female that would travel the ends of the earth, for you.
3. Self-assurance
Your mother taught you to be genuine and pure when you were little, to be nice to all and to place yourself is others shoes, in order to understand perspective. Now, she continues to tell you to be tough and confident, because in the real world, life isn't all rainbows and butterflies. She wants you to always be the best version of you and to never be afraid to stick up for yourself, for what's right. Sing your lungs out, dance your heart out, study your brains out. Always express yourself. Be firm, never be fragile.
4. Patience
You learned that being a woman, is hard. When growing up, you noticed that women were often sidelined in society, but you understood that narrow-minded individuals exist. Despite the negativity life is filled with, you knew that believing in better days and having faith goes along way. You learned strength through your mother. If you're not strong, you're weak and if you're weak, you're taken advantage of. You must be strong and you must keep calm, and carry on, without drama, without toxicity.
5. Mannerism
Don't be "lady like", be whoever your heart desires to be. You don't always have to have a face full of makeup, perfectly straight hair, or designer clothing. The best outfit you place is the outfit of manners, "please", "thank-you"- Presenting yourself as you and only you. Having a voice, being respectful of others and never being afraid to take on challenges in this world- that's what it's all about.