Chapter Spotlight: Alpha Delta Pi
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Chapter Spotlight: Alpha Delta Pi

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Chapter Spotlight: Alpha Delta Pi

Nickname: ADPi

Founded: 1851 at Wesleyan College in Macon, Georgia with 155 active chapters around the country; first named the Adelphean Society, a secret society focused on fellowship and scholarship for women.

Philanthropy: Recently hosted their first annual bubble soccer tournament alongside the men of Delta Tau Delta benefitting Ronald McDonald House Charities

Famous Alumni: CNN News host Nancy Grace, Little Big Town singer Karen Fairchild, winner of Cycle 11 of America’s Next Top Model McKey Sullivan, wife of Luke Bryan Caroline Boyer

Chapter at Iowa: Alpha Beta, chartered in January 1915

Honors: President Jessica Salpor was honored as the Greek woman of the year at the 2014-2015 FSL awards.

What sets ADPi apart from other chapters on campus? “What is unique about our chapter is that we have a Ronald McDonald house right here on campus. This allows us to not only donate money but also our time to give back to such an amazing organization on a weekly basis. Alpha Delta Pi is closely paired with the Ronald McDonald house. We hold two philanthropies per year to raise money for the families of the Ronald McDonald house. Our fall philanthropy was the first ever bubble soccer tournament with the men of Delta Tau Delta where all the funds were donated to RMH. Our spring philanthropy is our Pi Palooza where we hold a mini-carnival and serve food and play games including our favorite, pie a Pi! Members of our chapter volunteer to go bi-weekly to the Ronald McDonald house to cook and serve food to families living there.” — Junior Alyssa Pinkos

What is the best part about being in Alpha Delta Pi? “I love how everyone is different but gets along well and supports each other. I was super homesick and had a hard time adjusting to the university, but ADPi gave me a reason to stay and really helped me love Iowa because I know that I found lifelong friends and they will always be here for me.” — Junior Sam Lay

"The fact that I can really be myself. I can come downstairs in my pajamas at two in the afternoon jamming out to Hotline Bling and no judgments would be made; maybe a couple people would even sing along with me! From the moment I stepped through the doors of Alpha Delta Pi I felt at home. It's always been a home away from home since the moment I joined this sorority. I'm very thankful for the lifelong friends and sisters I have now and I know I wouldn't have that without this sorority." — Sophomore Kendall Paris

Alpha Delta Pi is clearly a sorority dedicated to its philanthropy. As Alyssa stated, it is unique to have a chapter in such close proximity to the organization they are raising money for. It is so special to be able to see firsthand the difference in these families' lives that these women are making. When you visit the chapter structure, its uniqueness causes it to stand out. I can personally say that their spiral staircase is one of my favorite details of any sorority house on campus. These women are not all work and no play, however, if you come to their philanthropy parties, you get the chance to pie a friend in the face! Alpha Delta Pi is truly like a family and the women who have chosen to pledge into this sisterhood care about one another and go out of their way to show what true sisters mean to each other. It is obvious when you watch their 2015 sisterhood video that ADPi is not just for four years, but for life.

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