When you are on probation, sometimes it can be harder than it needs to be to get out of your funk. With some hard work and a game plan, you can bring your house back to glory.
Quit giving bids to shitheads: You need to put some thought into your new members. Instead of asking yourself can this guy throw a good party, ask yourself can I see this guy being on Exec and making our house better. Assessing an 18-year-old that is fresh out of high school can be tricky, but there are always warning signs that he might be more of a liability than an asset. Take a look at his priorities, and what he wants to bring to the table.
Get Your Grades Up: Most probation punishments are generally grade related. It's almost a given that most chapters get this one handed down once every 4 years. Not being able to have socials for a semester stinks, but you remember what it was like, and make it a point to not do it again. Eventually all of those guys who remember that end up graduating, which is when it happens again. Enforce library hours, and put individual members on probation before it becomes a chapter wide problem.
Get Involved with the school: Chapters who are detached from the University are not doing themselves any favors. There is a lot more out there than just your house. Student Government, Campus Ambassadors, College Republicans, or general interest clubs are a great opportunity to branch out. Fostering good relations with the administration is very easy if you are engaged and contributing to making your school better.
Actually Do Philanthropy / Service: This is often overlooked, and it is one of the most important parts of what we do. We have the ability to draw crowds and can fund raise like no other organizations in college. As good people, it is our responsibility to try and do our part. When all of the anti-greek people question why we should exist on campus this is the one sure fire thing to silence them. Get out there and do some good in the community.
Put Some Thought into Elections: Remember that your elections are not a popularity contest, but a selection of who will lead the chapter. Getting the right people in charge is critical to a chapter being successful. Also, look out for "Mr. Resume" who is the brother that wants a respected position just to bolster his credentials. Find the guy that genuinely wants it because he wants to make the house a better place.
Keep morale up: Host brotherhood events and keep everyone excited and eager to contribute all the way until graduation. Building traditions are important, find some annual events that everyone looks forward to. Make sure to find activities that mix up the age groups as well so that people of all ages get to know and appreciate each other.