Let's face it, life can be stressful, especially as a college student. Sometimes your brain just gets too overwhelmed and you can't seem to channel your happy place no matter how hard you try. You're not alone. We all go through that. This is a list of things you can try to help ease your mind and body of stress and get back into a happy and healthy state of mind!
1. Create a "happy place" playlist.
My happy playlist consist of songs that I love to sing at the top of my lungs and just general feel good songs. Since I love to sing and dance, this playlist is packed with the perfect songs for dancing around the house and singing in your hairbrush microphone. Some of my favorites from the list include Scars to Your Beautiful by Alessia Carra, Chandelier by Sia, and Sorry by Justin Bieber. Whatever kind of music makes you feel good, compile it into one playlist and turn those headphones up!
2. Eat your favorite food.
It's really true that the simple things in life can make you the happiest. Food is one of those things for me. Chocolate, ice cream, pizza, grapes, mac and cheese; whatever your favorite food is, just let yourself have a moment to eat and enjoy it. It sounds so simple, but it honestly can make all the difference.
3. Work it out! (And by it, I mean the stress)
Exercise is a wonderful and healthy way to clear your head and get rid of all the negative energy. Whether it's just taking a walk, or developing a full workout plan, physical activity is an excellent stress reliever. When you do physical activity, your body releases more endorphins, which is a neurotransmitter that naturally provides positive energy. A scientifically proven way to find your happy place.
4. Take some "me time".
5. Think about the POSITIVES!
6. Draw or paint your happy place!
7. Start a journal.
Venting is a great way to relieve stress however, there's not always someone around to listen. Starting a journal and writing down whatever comes to your mind (even if it doesn't make sense) can be very therapeutic. It helps clear your mind of all the negative thoughts, like a metaphorical eraser!
8. Call that friend!
9. Try something new!
10. Do a random act of kindness.
You'd be surprise how good you feel after helping others. Random acts of kindness are a great addition to your "happy place" routine and to your community. It can be as simple as picking up some litter or helping the new kid who just dropped his books all over the place. Helping others really can, in turn, help you.
Breathe. Sometimes we get so wrapped up in life we don't remember to just take in what's around us and breathe. Meditate. Do Yoga. Get your oxygen levels up. It's a calming mechanism for the brain.
12. Take a nap.
Give yourself a little pampering. Buy those new shoes or video game you've been wanting. Get your nails done. Go out with your friends. Find whatever it is that makes you happy or find something you're passionate about and just do it! We all work hard and it's nice to reward ourselves for it every once in awhile especially when we're feeling upset or stressed.
The bottom line is, take care of YOU first and find the best "happy place" routine for yourself. It really can make all the difference.
Comment below with your favorite happy place routine!