With a new semester around the corner, we are all looking for motivation for the next couple months. Without something to keep us going, our studying will be cut short and binge-watching Netflix will take priority. Who better than Elle Woods to motivate us through our second semester? I mean, she did graduate from Harvard Law while also looking stylish as hell!
1. Don't let anyone tell you you're not good enough.
Warner tried to tell Elle she didn't belong at Harvard; that she didn't have the intelligence or drive to succeed. Most would crash and burn after those negative comments, but Elle rose to the occasion and came out on top.
2. Be confident!
Sometimes confidence is something we struggle with. We're not always sure our opinions or thoughts are correct, and we hide them. Confidence is key when looking for a job/internship, studying, or just participating in class. If Elle didn't have confidence in herself, she wouldn't of succeeded at Harvard Law.
3. Always keep working towards your goal.
Whether its a small goal like making it to the gym that day, or a long term goal like making the dean's list, you need to never stop working. That drive and determination is what will help you reach that goal. It took many tries for Elle to get the high test scores to be admitted into Harvard Law, but she worked her ass off and did it, and it was worth it. So now you go do the same!
4. Don't be afraid to stand out.
Elle was never afraid of making of fool of herself. She broke out into dance in nail salons, handed her professors pink paper, and wore a bunny costume to a bland college dorm party. She never doubted herself, and never cared about what other people thought. Standing out is the one of the best ways to be a unique individual, (even if it seems scary at the time).
5. Care about your future, outside of relationships.
In college, it almost always seems like boys are the topic of every conversation. Everyone's on the lookout for a boyfriend or a hookup, but no one's ever talking about their future careers! This semester, focus on your degree, your internship, and your future career, instead of the boy living down the hall. Elle put her career before the "love of her life", Warner, and she ended up dodging a bullet.
6. Channel your competitive side!
There were only a few spots for the case Elle wanted to be a part of, and she wasn't afraid of stepping on some toes to get the chance of a lifetime. She realized her schooling and future career deserved to be fought for. If you feel the same way, don't be afraid to be competitive! (While also staying sweet like Elle.)
7. Don't let something upsetting take over your life.
When Warner broke up with Elle, she was heart broken. She sulked and spent many days crying and eating chocolate in bed. This is all normal and sometimes necessary, however, after awhile, Elle realized she was wasting her time being upset! She knew she deserved better than Warner and decided she would stop crying over someone irrelevant. You can do the same!
8. Take risks!
Sometimes, its better to challenge yourself and risk failure then to take the easy way out. Elle makes that clear when she chooses a more dangerous case in on of her classes. Taking risks with the oppurtunity for great outcome is sometimes worth being a little afraid or uneasy.
9. Be proud of your accomplishments!
Sometimes we misunderstand the difference between being proud of ourselves and bragging. There is nothing wrong with happily cheering when you get a good grade or treating yourself when you accomplish a goal! You deserve it! Elle worked hard to get a 179 on her LSAT and celebrated when she finally did it! So work hard and congratulate yourself!
10. Don't spend money if you don't have to.
11. Understand the importance of exercise.
We come to college to get an education and learn more about ourselves, but that doesn't mean we should put our health to the side. Working out is extremely important and should be something you're doing everyday. And hey! It'll make you happy (as Elle Woods says).
12. Believe you are worth it.
You are valuable. No matter who puts you don't or makes you feel not good enough, know you are worth it. Don't let it get you down. Elle Woods knew she was worth something and used the negativity to drive herself. If someone ever gets you down, remember that you are worth the world!
Elle Woods is one the most influential fictional movie characters from our generation. We might as well look at her life choices and distribute them into our own lives! If she can make it to Harvard, then we can spend a few extra minutes studying or make it to the gym!