A common problem in America is a lack of understanding about international issues. We often hear about things like the war on terror, human rights abuses in Venezuela, and starving children in Africa. But what do we actually know about these issues?
The reality is that the world is becoming more broken and fractured every day. It is important that we as citizens of the United States gather a deeper understanding of international issues so that we know how we, as every day people, can help aid those around the world that are hurting.
One issue that many people in the US don't know about is the passage of the United States, Mexico, Canada Agreement or USMCA. This was an agreement created to replace the North Atlantic Free Trade Agreement. The new agreement addressed many of the human rights abuses that weren't protected previously. It even worked to increase protections for intellectual property theft in the US. Yet the agreement almost never made headlines. Why is that?
The reason that people don't have in depth discussions about international issues is because they are under-covered in the media. Furthermore, American political turmoil is at an all time high and it often distracts people from other issues that also matter. it's not that American political issues like the BLM movement don't matter, because they do. It's that the US uses imperialistic tactics to fuel war in Yemen by selling arms to Saudi Arabia. This is directly leading to the deaths of young children. And before the US can change its own problems it needs to scale back on it's international issues. And that can only happen in a world where people are informed.
If you make sure to read just one article about an international issue you will be much more informed by the end of this year. And by reading these articles you will be able to have a better understanding of international issues and how we can solve them. You gain a voice and you can use it to make the world a better place. It all starts with just ten minutes every day.