Seasonal Affective Disorder, or SAD for short, is a form of depression that usually shows up and ends around the same time each year. An estimated half of a million Americans suffer from this type of depression annually. For most people, their symptoms of the disorder start mid to late fall and last all throughout the winter. There is no definitive cause for SAD, however, most doctors relate it to the lack of natural sunlight during the cooler months. Symptoms include fatigue, anxiety or “empty” feelings, pessimism, feelings of guilt, irritability and restlessness, loss of interest, difficulty sleeping, and changes in weight. As with most medical disorders, not everyone will have the same or all of the symptoms listed, but it is important to keep an eye out for them. Luckily, for those with the disorder, there are medications and home remedies to improve the symptoms.
Here are some lifestyle changes you can make to lessen the effects of SAD:
Light therapy boxes
Unlike regular light bulbs, the bulbs in therapy boxes are much brighter and are designed to mimic sunlight. Sitting by the light for 30 minutes every morning is said to stimulate the body’s natural circadian rhythms and suppress the release of melatonin, leaving you more energized during the day.
Weather permitting, exercising outdoors is one of the best ways to combat the negative side effects of SAD. By being active, your body is releasing more endorphins, which will lessen the depression associated with the disorder as well as preventing the weight gain that is typical in those with SAD.
Get outside or open your blinds
Even if it is chilly or snowy outside, try and spend as much time as possible outdoors. Exposing yourself to however much sunlight there is that day will improve your mood and alleviate other SAD symptoms. If it is too cold to go out for a mid day stroll, be sure to keep your blinds and curtains open so some sunlight can shine through.
Stay on track
Create a daily schedule! When you stick to the schedule you set out for yourself, it reduces the chances of oversleeping, mindless eating, getting caught up in your thoughts, and focusing too much on how terribly you are feeling.
Talk it out
One of the worst things you can do when battling depression is bottle everything up. Talk to a doctor, parent, sibling, friend, pet... it doesn’t matter just as long as you have some outlet for your emotions.
Try an herbal remedy
St. John’s Wort is known for its mood enhancing abilities and can easily be found at stores near you. Just one word of caution about the herbal remedy: it has been known to reduce the effectiveness of birth control pills so for those of you taking those and trying St. John’s wort, use extra caution!