In college, we spend hours upon hours stressing over things like chemistry tests, term papers, and picking the perfect party outfit. But if there's one thing that will stress any college student out more that all of those things combined, it's the thought that all of us have had at least once in our lives: "Should I change my major?"
Changing your major can be scary, but it helps to know that others before you have gone through the same struggle and confusion. As someone who truly believes Zac Efron is a total college kid trapped in the body of a movie star, I figured, who better to explain what changing you major (read: hell) is like? So, here are steps of deciding that changing your major is right for you told by Zefron himself:
So, you've picked a major, you've earned some credits towards it, and in general college is going great.
Then out of the blue, it hits you.
You think maybe, just maybe, you might be doing the wrong thing. You think you should maybe change your major.
The idea won't get out of your head. Soon you start to realize that this decision is a much bigger deal than you first realized and will take a lot of thought. I mean, your whole future could change, right?
You spend time thinking about it and spend nights going back and forth until the circles under your eyes are darker than you ever thought possible.
But, you finally decide that you think it is the right decision. And even if it's not, you're doing it anyway.
You spend hours reworking your schedules, calling advisors, and trying not to have a break down as you second guess yourself over and over.
You try to explain to everyone (including your parents) why you decided to do this but it just doesn't work.
Wondering why you went through all this and didn't just start with this major in the first place.
Occasionally the thought of your old major creeps back into your mind.
And you think about all the wasted credits that now fall into nothing but the "electives" category on your transcript.
But you're happy and you know you made the right decision.
Thanks Zac. We feel you.