In today’s times people see DFCS as a corrupt company who
takes away innocent children from their families. I grew up with my mom working
for them and this is definitely not the case. When I was in elementary school I
was ashamed to say what my mom did for a living because I did not understand. Little
did I know how much of a good impact she had on children’s lives. In elementary
school on multiple occasions when I told my friends that she worked for DFCS
they would say things like “she’s a baby-snatcher” or “oh she’s the lady that
takes kids away from their families.” As I grew older I slowly realized that
she was not a baby- snatcher but that she was actually doing good work no
matter what people had told me.
Today's society does not notice this but the workers who do these jobs most of the time actually care about these kids and love these kids. I have seen my mom cry about the children she has had to take because of the terrible situations they have been through. It truly breaks her heart to see what some of the kids have been through. My mom sees what a wonderful life she has given me and just wants these kids to experience the happiness I have gotten to experience.
My mom has sacrificed time at our household to take care of children who are not even hers. She used to be on call all the time or helping even when she did not have to. She currently works long hours and her phone is always ringing. She is not home near as much as most of my friend’s moms and I used to get very upset about it but as I grow up and see the difference she is making I realize that these kids needed the attention more than I did.
Not only social workers make big differences but everyone who partners with DFCS. I have helped with many foster care events myself and to see the joy these children have with their foster families is remarkable. On the other hand, what people do not normally understand is that social workers work hard with the kid’s real families too. Every worker wants the kids to be back with their real parents if possible. If it is possible for the children to go back with their birth parents, then this is the primary project.
For my mother it is about relationships and changing lives forever. There was recently a child who was adopted that she was asked to be the godmother of and it brought tears to her eyes. Just her being asked this shows how much of a positive difference she has made in this child’s life along with the partnership she has with the foster parents. I have even cried about a foster child before because I was scared of being her friend worried that she would be moved away from me and knowing how much her life had turned around since she was put with her foster family. I prayed that this family would adopt her because her life was radically changing through them. Being in the life of a foster parent, social worker, or even their child is tough but all lives matter and I am proud of my mom and her dedication to helping.
Stronger families for a stronger Georgia,