I Have Changed Since Starting College... Shocking | The Odyssey Online
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I Have Changed Since Starting College... Shocking

Sweats? No thanks...

Morgan George
Morgan George

I used to think that I would never change. The image I made for myself in high school was the persona that I wanted to portray for the rest of my life and even in college. In high school, people knew me, not by name, but because of how well I was dressed.

I may have even been overdressed (I wore a business dress and heels on my birthday one year because that was my favorite day to dress up). On a normal day, I dressed up. I would get up early, curl my hair, so my makeup, and dress to impress. Every. Single. Day. If I didn't, which was rare, people really wondered if I was sick or something because that wasn't me.

In college, I continued that. I woke up at 6 or 7 for my 8 am classes and I curled my hair, did my makeup, and dressed to the nines. I later realized that that was dumb. I was wasting makeup because I would ruin it by going to the gym, so why wear it?

I slowly started making changes that I realized were for the better (or not) and I think a lot of people can relate. You change so much throughout college and I am still shocked to see where I have come from.

1.  I wear exercise clothes

Wow, shocker I know. So many people go around wearing Lulu Lemon and stuff to class, mine are from Khols, but still I wear exercise pants to class.

2.  I.  Love.  T-shirts.

In high school you would never catch me dead in a t-shirt unless I was at golf practice. Short run to the store? Full out fit on. I never wore t-shirts and now I own almost too many (if that's even possible)

3.  I don't wear makeup that much

I will throw it on for a presentation or just to have something to do one day, but usually I go naked faced. I just don't like the way it feels on my face, maybe its because I go so long without it. It's too much work and I would rather sleep than get up early to do that.

4.  I wear tennis shoes

Like t-shirts, you could not catch me dead casually wearing my tennis shoes around and now I love them and they are my shoe of choice (next to my birks).

5.  I eat actually college food

I used to care so much about what went into my body that it was nuts but here I am eating pizza rolls because I can and who cares.

6.  I go to the gym... to sweat... for fun

I hated P.E. and it was the worst part of my day. I could have cried tears of joy when I had my last P.E. class and now I make it a point to go to the gym every day. WoW fItNeSs

I like cats... like alot

I was a hard core dog person until recently when I got a cat of my own and I hate (or not so much) to admit that I may be converted.

8.  I nap hardcore

I would never take naps before, even as a freshman, because I thought it was a waste of time and now I spend a lot of my free time napping.

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