We are told that college is where we find out who our true friends are and this has proven to be true for me. There were people I spent almost every day in high school with that I haven't seen since graduation and a handful that I see when time allows.
One thing I have learned from the people that stuck around is this: Distance and periods of time without communication only weakens weak friendships. When I visit home, I do the best to see them and if I can't, it is not detrimental to our friendship. Isn't that so great and mature!?
Adult friendships are different, but the best kind of different. They are better... at least in my opinion. Having this kind of friendship means having a strong support system without the drama and immaturity. It means being able to totally rely on the loyalty and mutual respect.
I do not have to worry about these kinds of friends because I know that our friendship is not one based on popularity, status or looks. These are the people in my life who stick around for my personality, beliefs, and ideas.
Adult friendships are not toxic, so if you are in a toxic friendship, you are most likely dealing with a friendship that will not last much longer. Your friends that make it into your 20s are most likely the people who are good for you, the people you would not want to lose because they bring nothing but support and love into your life. Leave your toxic friendships in high school.
This is not to say that your high school friends are terrible people. It simply means that most of the time, those friends were only meant to be with you through those four years. Sure, some will stick around, but do not try to hold on to all of those friendships if you are the only one trying. For me, all of the people in my friend group chose a different college.
Literally, no one went to the same one... When we got together for the last time the summer before college, I kind of knew this would be the last time we would all be together in one place. It was sad, and it still is sad. I miss those people all the time and I wish that they are doing great and have made even better, stronger friendships. I know I have.
To my lifelong friend who was there through all stages, we made it into adulthood and made the transition. You have shown me what it means to be a loyal friend and a brave woman. You are family and I thank God for you every day, despite the fact that we don't even talk every day. What a blessing it is to know you are no further than a call away.
To the Friend that stuck with me after high school, I always knew you would be a friend that I would always have. We have been through a lot together and I have seen you through some very hard times. Never once have you been a bad friend, even on your worst days.
You are my brightest light and the most positive person I have ever met. I am so thankful for your motivation to be a better person, friend, and child of God. Never forget how much our friendship means to me ( even though I sometimes forget to tell you when I am visiting home).
To the two greatest people I have met in college, you keep me strong. On days when I am missing home, you are the first two things that pop into my head when I think about why my choice in college was worth it. WKU would not be the same without your beautiful hearts with me and to be honest, I would have transferred back home if it weren't for our friendship.
Because of the two of you, I am smarter, I am kinder and more thankful. A friendship like ours will last a lifetime and I knew this within a week of meeting you. Despite the fact that we live in three different cities when we are not at school, I know you two are always people I could call if I needed help.
To my boys who became the brothers I never had (until recently when I actually got a brother), you balance me out. You remind me when I am being crazy and you provide me with a great example of how young men should be treating me and other girls my age. You are the best guys I know and I am so proud that y'all are my friends.