In a society where we depend on high school to determine a decision on what they would like to do for the rest of their working lives, mistakes are bound to happen. Scratch, mistakes DO happen.
And that's OK. Everyone is only human. Mistakes are what make us ourselves, mistakes are the key to making us the best that we can be.
College is a puzzling time where it can seem like everything in your life must be planned out strategically for the next for years and then onwards, but that is not the case. It's OK to not have an agenda or even a clue to what you want to study, most college kids don't. According to National College Education Statistics, around 80 percent of students change their major at least once with the average being about three times. Take a deep breath and pursue what you are passionate about because it's OK!
You could've gone into college with your heart set on one major, you could've had a 10-year plan in your head. But it is different when you dive into studies and realize that you're not so into it as you thought you were. You could have been exposed to a major that you had no idea even existed. You could just want to change your course of education because that's what you want to do, it happens.
It's never too late to change it either. You may think, “Well, I've already come so far in this one, might as well just finish it." Get that mindset out of your head, toss it in the trash! Some of your classes could also be required for your new major and some could count as gen eds. There are summer/winter terms and you can always take online classes to catch up. Would you rather be excited doing something you enjoy or miserable studying what you feel like you are forced to do? Take some risks!
Advisors are there to help you point you in the right direction. If you're unsure if you should change your major or you're thinking about it, do some research. Talk to people who have the degree you're interested in, look over if there's a certain need for specific jobs, you can even see what kinds of work you can get into with the new degree. Make a list of pros and cons, but in the end, it's your decision and yours only. yes
*cue Ariana Grande voice* Break up with your major (yeah, yeah) 'cause you're bored.
Or whatever the reason.
You know yourself better than anyone else. Do what makes YOU happy. Change that major, however many times you want.