Dear Friend,
I hardly know you at this point. It is fairly early in our friendship. But I think I could fall in love with you.
Actually, I know I could.
You're the first person in a while that I have wondered what you're actually thinking. I really want to know. What are you pondering? What hurts you? What makes you feel loved? I want to know. But you asked me to not ask you so many questions. Well.
I know this is a bit forward of me, but I don't think you would expect anything less after what you've seen so far? (haha). . .I've always been on the braver side.
When I look at you, I think to myself, "I could kiss you." But if I randomly did that, I don't know what you would do and not knowing actually scares me. I suppose after sharing this, I may as well randomly kiss you anyway. At this point, it wouldn't be so random.
I wouldn't go as far as calling this a love letter. However, I'm rather fond of you. And seeing you change my spark plugs, well it sparked something in my heart. I guess this is an intense admiration letter.
I know this article will find you. I know you read what I post because you text me about it.
Anyway, I apologize to those who made it this far and feel a little queasy from all the mushiness.
Please note: I don't love you. But I could.
Your friend, Mickala