I woke up one day and decided that I didn't want to feel like this anymore, or ever again.
So I changed. Just like that. I realized that everything I do from this point forward is my future.
Surrounding myself with people who want to see me succeed, learning to love myself for who I am, and making my own decisions has been the best aspects to changing myself for better.
I learned that family will always be the closest, and they will be the most real people to ever be in my life.
If I came across a person that is negative and shaded dark on my life, they were not meant to be there.
There will always be another party, I learned to say no. If I knew I had a big assignment, an important day at work, or a life changing event, I needed to skip out. There will always be more.
Instead of talking about people negatively, I tried thinking of the positives, even if it was a hard task. Not filling my mind with negativity has made me feel better as a whole.
Each day I woke up and realized how incredibly blessed I was to see another day of this amazing world.
I realized my life will only change if I became more committed to my dreams rather than keeping to my comfort zone.
Learning to go out to travel, see the world and appreciate it, helps me explore and see life through my own eyes, not anyone else's.
Instead of saying, "Lord, I don't know how I am going to do this," say "Lord, I can't wait to see how you do this!"
I've changed. Irrevocably. Permanently. My soul is richer and my heart is fuller than it has ever been. I've learned true despair, and it's made me appreciate true joy.
Life is about trusting your feelings, taking chances, finding happiness, learning from the past and realizing everything changes. Don't be afraid to fall in love, make it a goal to improve yourself daily, compliment people to make their day, buy a plane ticket to somewhere exotic. We only live this life once, so we might as well make it worthwhile.