Do You Wanna Change Up Your Playlists? | The Odyssey Online
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Do You Wanna Change Up Your Playlists?

Check out these four fantastic bands

Do You Wanna Change Up Your Playlists?
Jonathan Hall

1. Periphery

Formed in 2005, this American progressive metal band is considered to be one of the pioneers in the djent movement within progessive metal. While known for their heavy sound, Periphery has generated a mixed reception across the metal community with their poly-rhythmic patterns and soaring melodies. I asked my *obsessed* boyfriend to describe Periphery for me and he sent me what follows:

"That's tough, since it changes soooo much with every album. I'll just talk about their sound now and not go into details. Just note that this is from the perspective of a guitarist, so my description might be a bit more nuanced and specific. Overall, the sound is right and together; nothing really sounds out of place or random (probably because when they write a song, they write that entire song in one sitting). The guitar work can be a technical symphony of heavy in-your-face riffs supported by resounding bass and intense drum work, topped with harsh, guttural vocals. But all of that can suddenly change into a beautiful orchestration of ambiance and groove, to a point where you can't tell it's the same singer due to how frickin high Spencer goes and how clear he can sing"

All in all Perphiery is a great band, but if you're just stepping your toe into the heavy metal and progressive side for music they might be a teensy bit too much. A few of my favorite songs include: Scarlet and Icarus Lives and Muramasa

2. Avenged Sevenfold

Avenged Sevenfold (A7x) happens to be one of my favorite bands and I just might be seeing them on tour this spring with freaking Metallica *brb fangirling* Formed in 1999, Avenged Sevenfold is an American heavy metal/hard rock band that is known primarily for its diverse rock sounds with origins in the metalcore genre for their first album "Sounding the Seventh Trumpet". I suggest listening to either "City of Evil" which exemplifies the typicla metal sound as one of the first albums you listen to because their latest album "The Stage" brings us those sounds but in a more progressive manner. A7x doesn't really sound like anyone else but they have an unforgettable sound. There is killer guitar work in every album, insane drumming and the most captivating and exhilarating and mesmerizing and breath-defying vocals ever (yes I am a little bit biased but so what?). The lyrics are captivating as well, with the meaning behind every verse and the unique voice of MC Shadows.

All in all I HIGHLY recommend this band, like go listen to it now. My favorite songs are like every single one, but here are some my absolute favorites because they really showcase the diverse and distinct sound fo Avenged Sevenfold: A Little Piece of Heaven / Gunslinger / Dear God / Nightmare / Fiction / The Stage

3. Imagine Dragons

This is also my all-time favorite band and I can say that because it is in a completely different than A7x which makes it all that better to have it as a favorite band because I feel it reflects a piece of my personality, just as A7x reflects another piece of my personality.

Everyone knows Imagines Dragons and the songs Radioactive and Demons probably just went through your head as you read this. Imagine Dragons is an American rock band. I don't really classify them as a rock band because they are a blended sound that really blurs the line between the genres; I consider them more alternative because of their distinct and diverse style. Some songs like I'm So Sorry ( a favorite) and Believer strike me more as rock but others such as Polariod (my favorite) and Dream and The Fall are more subdued and I don't really know what to classify them as. Some songs are more pop and others are more of a rock/dupstep mashup. The Imagine Dragon sound is one of character and passion, and it is purely their own. The guitar rifts paired with the sweet cooing vocals and the eccentric sounds make for a collective pleasing sound, no matter what album you listen to (yes I know there are only 2 but there are a lot of singles).

If you've only listened to the constantly played radio songs, you're already a half of step there to listening to the rest of the album(s) so I suggest you go do that now because I can promise you now that you won't forget it.

4. Mastodon

To quote my boyfriend one last time, Mastodon has "quite a unique sound" as a progressive metal band. Their albums usually follow an underlying theme presented by the songs. Most of the songs are up to the listener's interpretation. The sound is "raw" and in my opinion, a little all over but there is a groovier, rhythmic vibe along with an interesting technical sound that holds your attention. Three of the band members are the "lead" singers and partake in the vocal work. Each has their own distinct style that helps their music achieve a diverse level that other bands may have "a hard time getting to".

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