Whether or not you've heard it, the law of attraction is something that we should all learn more about. There are tons of different mindsets and practices that focus on cultivating the future that you want for yourself, but the law of attraction is a fairly simple practice that can change the way you think.
What is it not?
It is NOT a magic spell that will * poof * give you the 1 million dollars you imagined yourself winning in a dream.
Okay, so then what is it?
The law of attraction is a practice founded on the belief that you are solely responsible for all the decisions made in your life. Based on this belief, you are able to create the future that you want by taking charge in your decisions and acting with intent to manifest your goals. Essentially, it is a mindset rooted in positivity and the idea that you get what you put out. If you have negative thoughts and think poorly of yourself, that is what others will see and that is what you will attract. However, if you have positive thoughts and recognize your worth, you will attract positive people and experiences. This can all be taken with a grain of salt, but I think the ultimate message behind it is something that all people can benefit from. If you have faith in your own ability to create the future you desire then you'll be more inclined to take actions towards those goals. The Law of Attraction is all about manifesting a positive world through the thoughts that you have.
How to practice it?
1.First of all, change your mindset. Focus on positivity in all aspects of your life, from how you view yourself to how you react to situations. By being aware of the thoughts you have, you can work on changing them to reflect what you want to be surrounded by. With positive thoughts, you can attract more positive people who reciprocate the feelings you put out.
2.Daily affirmations. Daily affirmations come in a variety of forms, power poses in the mirror, something that you say to yourself every morning, anything that you can do every day that reminds you of your goals. For example, if something you want to achieve is more self-confidence, stand in front of your mirror with your hands on your hips and your legs firm and strong. Say to yourself "I am strong, beautiful and worthy" or anything else that makes you feel confident. If you say something to yourself enough times you start believing it and it will become a habit that you practice in your life.
3.Visualizations are another major part of the law of attraction that focuses on manifesting the future that you want. Basically, visualization focuses on literally imagining what it is that you want for your future in a very specific way. For example, if you want a loyal and close-knit group of friends in your life, imagine yourself with those friends and what traits each person would have or the activities you imagine yourself doing with those friends. This will help you to see what characteristics you value in friendships and you can seek out people that you recognize have those traits. Visualization helps you to see the reality of your goals. This can give you motivation to begin acting on your dreams because you see a way of reaching it. Some ways of practicing this are through dream boards, journaling, meditating or deep thought, and anything that else that helps you to visualize your goals.
Where to look next? The Law of Attraction website has a lot more information as well as exercises you can try. There is also a book called #Girlboss that has one chapter on the power of your thoughts and manifestation that is really helpful too.