Have you ever heard the saying, "Doing the same things but expecting a different result is the definition of insanity"?
Yes. Insanity.
Yeah, I've heard it. I love it, actually. It's so funny to think that we, as a human species, all have the tendency to expect a change we aren't creating so much so that someone came up with a quote about it.
We want change. So we must change. Simple as that, right?
Not really.
I'll be honest: I have a tendency to whine and complain when I'm unhappy about something. I tend to dwell and obsess over this thing until I finally get annoyed at the sound of my own whining that I shut up about it.
But I don't actually want to do the changing. I don't like changing, or having things in my life change. I've dealt with so much uncontrollable change in my 20 years of life that I'm sick of it. Change is exhausting, is it not?
I am actually so resistant to change that I end up hurting myself more. I unknowingly keep myself in the bubble of my normal ways so how can my results be any different the next day?
But is it possible for my life be drastically different when I’m sitting still? No. Am I doing anything to create this new result though? No. That's why I need change.
Anais Nin once said, “And the day came when the risk to remain in a tight bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.”
This time we have in college in the best opportunity to step out of our comfort zones and grow. Do things that promote betterment of ourselves, whether that change is easy or not.
Happiness comes when we learn when it’s time to step out of your element and grow.
This is a time in our lives when the result of branching out is worth the risk in the end, trust me.