If I could change someone’s life, I would tell them I love them. If I could change someone’s life, I would show them sympathy when that’s all they need. If I could possibly change someone’s life, I would lend them a shoulder to cry on and an ear to talk off. I would change their life by leading by example. And if I could change someone’s life, I would offer them friendship.
When I was younger, I thought about what I would be when I grew up. I thought about what I would do with my life and how I could make an impact. I thought more about the things I could be doing rather than the people I could be helping. People are what matters. People are everything. Your people are everything. They’re who are in your corner when times get tough. How do you repay the people in your life who would stop what they’re doing at the drop of a hat to make sure you’re alright?
We need to remember when to love on our people. So often we take them for granted, and the deeds they do are soon forgotten. If I have learned anything in the past month, it’s to not take people for granted. What do you do when you deny their love and turn around 10 minutes later and they’re gone? Remember to show your appreciation for the things that are done for you. Feel lucky that your friends and family are taking time out of their lives to make yours just a little bit better. Show them appreciation and grow in kindness with them.
In the same respect, our people need us as much as we need them. It's become apparent to me lately that we're all busy doing something. We're all busy with our own lives, and we feel as though our problems overshadow everyone else's. Their problems are the sun, and we eventually eclipse them. We forget to remember that our loved ones have worries, too, because too often, we are more interested in how we are going to deal with ours. But who judges what problems should be dealt with first? Personally, I realized I enjoy avoiding my problems. Conflict isn't really my thing and neither is acknowledging I need help. For this reason, I am quick to offer my advice on how other people can fix their problems. I tell them how I would deal with a situation, even though if I was in that same situation, I most likely would be hesitant to take my own advice. But, I digress. My point is, I find it helpful, when dealing with my own hardships, to deal with other people's first. I think it to be helpful to navigate adversity as a neutral third party, so when I begin to evaluate myself, I am able to take a step back. By doing this, I achieve a win-win outcome. My person knows I'm concerned for them and am there to help, but I also am able to help myself, which stops me from taking my worries out on the people in my corner.
My people happen to be incredibly positive, and for that, I'm blessed. I never question whether or not I'm cared for, and I hope they don't worry if they are, either. I haven't told them yet, but they've changed my life. I haven't told them yet, but I hope I'm changing theirs.