Are you somebody that appreciates when random strangers pass you on the sidewalk and say hello, or smile? And do you remember how that makes you feel? Does it make you feel loved? Happier? In a perfect mood to finish out your day?
If you answered yes (or didn't) to any of these questions, then I have a challenge for you. Go make somebody's day today. If talking to other people makes you feel awkward, go step outside your comfort zone and interact with someone else, even if it is for only two seconds. If you're an extrovert, then use your qualities for good! Smile at someone, ask how they are doing, strike up a conversation, anything.
I can't tell you how much I've needed other people to get me through my day. I'm not good at processing my emotions, so walking across campus is usually the time where I let my sad thoughts get the best of me. I don't know how many times somebody that I barely know has said hi to me and broken the cycle of me overthinking everything bad that happened that day, and sometimes many days before that.
In the words of the marvelous Kid President, "Be somebody that makes everybody feel like a somebody." Make those around you feel important and valued. Now go out, and brighten someone's day.