The weather is finally turning colder. There is a chill in the air and Fall is here. How do I know this? Not just because of pumpkin spice everything,but the leaves are changing colors and I have finally pulled out my scarves. Maybe I am bias because Fall is my favorite time of year, but there is something in the air. Maybe it is new hope. Something making me believe anything is possible, that dreams are attainable and life can be beautiful even after heartbreak.
Every season has its thing. Fall brings Thanksgiving and then Christmas is right around the corner.
Changing seasons can remind us how often life changes. A new mindset may become required. In the Christian life, we have to continually grow and continue to break away from the world mindset of selfishness, pride and the like.
We are meant to be different. In a day and age where being you is celebrated, being a Christian is not despite the fact that in truth, it is who we are meant to be.
We are meant to have abundant life.
We are not meant to worry.
We are not meant to live perfectly.
We are meant to grow.
As the leaves fall and life changes, I am reminded the value of life and the value of time. You may be fifteen or fifty, but regardless of your age, your time matters.
Because YOU matter!
Tough days and difficult moments come and go but the season will change. We can expect this, after all we see it all around us. Enjoy your season and all your time. Your life is worth living, even in this season. Even if all the leaves are falling around you, even if the work is piling up, live every moment.
You won't have Fall 2016 again. You won't have this exact day again so live it well. Change your mindset. Instead of thinking, what if I don't have tomorrow, stay in the truth of today. Think, I won't have today again so I will live it fully.
As we come to a time of thanks-giving, I encourage you to give thanks, even as others may complain or become obsessed with sales and whatnot. Let it not be the items of the season but the people.
Whoever you see today, smile bright. We often underestimate the power of one smile, not only to ourselves but for those around us. The barista at Starbucks could use it. The sales clerk, your neighbor and everyone in between needs to be encouraged and reassured.
Smile because life is worth living, it is precious. Don't you think you should go live and enjoy it?
Take time today to embrace the blessing of the day even if it is a pumpkin spice latte or the beautiful day waiting outside your door. Embrace today, for tomorrow can wait for it's time.