The new year is a time of new beginnings and a fresh start to a great year. Something that I think should be changed is the idea of new years resolutions. Each year, millions of people make new year's resolutions, hoping for positive change. Common resolutions include exercising more, losing weight, travel more, get organized. These are just a few of the many that people choose the change about themselves.
Yes, I am all for bettering yourself and starting the new year off better than you ended the last. Resolutions give you a chance to change something about yourself or be a better person this upcoming year. But the truth is, a majority of people do not even keep their resolution a month before quitting.
Even I am guilty of this, every year I say I am going to go to the gym more and three weeks in, I am laying in my bed and decide to not go the the gym that day. This starts the "snowball effect" and next thing I know I have not gone to the gym in months. Last week, I told my mom that I was going to not go to the gym for the rest of the "year" and then start going again for the new year. This got me thinking, Why wait until the new year to change yourself. Let 2019 be the time to stop making excuses for yourself and just start now, in that moment.
So now, my new years resolution is not just to go to the gym more or get in better shape but is to stop making excuses for myself. In 2019, I want to stop saying "i'll do it tomorrow", and do it today.
As a whole, We should stop waiting for the new year to better ourselves and start in that moment.
Happy New Year!