I hate change. I absolutely hate it. I like things to stay relatively the same so I don’t have to deal with change. I've always been like that. I know that’s not good and I know my mindset on change has definitely affected some of the decisions I have made in my life. I know that I have avoided certain things and experiences because of the change that would come along with it. I came to the point where I was tired of living so afraid of change. I knew it was necessary to grow and evolve as a person. So ever since I decided I was no longer going to be afraid of change, I learned to embrace it.
I’m not going to lie; it was hard, but it was so necessary. Since then, I have embraced so many new things in my life and I have evolved incredibly as a person. If you refuse to push yourself and choose to stay in the safe bubble that you have established for yourself, well, you will not be successful and chances are you won’t be happy. I wasn’t happy where I was in my life and I certainly wasn’t successful because I was choosing that for myself by avoiding all of the opportunities around me.
Everyone changes, relationships change, jobs change, essentially the world around you is constantly changing. So why wouldn’t you just change with it? I’m not saying to completely abandon who you are as a person, but to be open and willing to experience all of the amazing opportunities and experiences that life has to offer. If I had stayed in the same safe comfort zone I had created for myself, I wouldn’t be where I am today. Embrace change and embrace life. Once you do, so many amazing things happen because life only opens up when you do.