Change Your Major As Much As You Want | The Odyssey Online
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Change Your Major As Much As You Want

You don't have to have it all figured out right now.

Change Your Major As Much As You Want
Chloe Laine

Spring Semester is almost over and I am once again changing my major. Third time's a charm, right? I applied to my University as an International Studies Major. I had no idea what I wanted to do with that but I was figuring something cool like Foreign Affairs Officer or being a Diplomat. Before I even attended my New Student Conference I had decided that I wasn't all that enthralled with the idea of being submerged in the government. Not my thing. No worries. I explored some of the other majors and found Construction Science. Perfect fit for my Type A, never-been-on-a-construction-sight, ambitious personality. I liked the construction industry for the job security and the clear and direct path from freshman year to a job, however, it didn't take but three classes for me to decided that I cared nothing for structural steel and concrete admixtures (I fully admit: Mom and Dad were right all along).

So here I am, not even finished with my first YEAR of college and I've already changed my major three times. There was a host of emotions that flooded me when I let that realization hit me. Questions of "Should I even be in school right now?" or "What if I have to change my major again?" plagued me. Thoughts of "Everyone knows what they're doing, why don't I?" pressured me to have a career picked out right now at the ripe age of 19 years young. I felt like I was wasting time and money just listlessly taking classes with no end goal. No future planned out. While feeling pretty bummed out I came across an article about the maturity of the brain. No, not your maturity to refrain from making "that's what she said" jokes. I'm talking about the development of your brain and it being fully matured and functioning. Society expects me to have my life and career figured out at 19? I don't think so. Sure, at 18 individuals are considered adults however, new studies prove that brain maturity isn't reached till well beyond teen years.

Scientists estimate that the brain finishes maturing around 25 (there's a reason we still can't rent cars, guys). Dr. Francis Jensen, who delved into the adolescent mind and its brain maturity, found that our brain's frontal lobes aren't fully connected as teenagers. The frontal lobe is responsible for our decision making. Asking ourselves questions such as "what would be the consequences if I say or do this," or "Is this a good idea?". It's not that our frontal lobes don't work, it's just that we access them more slowly than our adult counterparts whose brains have fully connected frontal lobes.

Therefore, I am flabbergasted as to why society expects 18 years old's to decide on a major as they enter college. If we can't even rent cars why are Universities expecting us to have a major picked out by the time we finish high school? 1 in 10 students will change their major according to the Department of Education.

It's estimated that about 80% of all college students have changed their major at least once with the likelihood upwards of two or three times total. It is also estimated that 1 in 5 college students suffer from anxiety and depression. Could there be a link between the pressures of society demanding immature brains to figure the rest of their lives out and rising anxiety numbers? Who knows - definitely not me.

I don't know what I am going to do with this new major of mine.

Am I excited about it? Yes.

Am I passionate about its core values and nature? For sure.

But do I have a career path and career goals? Not yet, and that's okay. I am content to take my time, let my brain mature, and figure it all out slowly because there really is no rush.

So, change your major as much as you need too and don't feel stupid about changing it either. You aren't alone as most of your peers are changing their majors right along with you.

The most important thing to remember is that there is no pressure to have your life figured out right now.

Don't worry about having it all planned. Instead, get out into the world, develop your passions, meet people, and try new things! Just remember to factor in that you can't rent a car yet.

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2. You will feel like an adult but also feeling like a child.

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4. You will need to study but also want to hang out with your friends.

5. Coffee is your best friend.

6. You don't know what you're doing 99% of the time.

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