I've officially been in Ireland for a little over a week. Although there have been moments where I completely believed I have made a home in this little corner of the world, that has definitely not come without moments of complete self doubt and of course, homesickness.
Some days I wake up in complete aw of the fact that I can call Ireland my home for this tiny amount of time. Im in a place where some can only dream of visiting. So does that make me a bad person for sometimes wishing to be back in my cozy bed, being woken up to crazy stories of all the bad decisions my friends have made the previous night? I don't think so, because I'd like to think that just makes me human.
When you plan a big trip like this, or take any huge leaps in your life in the beginning you seldom even think of what it will be like when you're actually there. You become so excited at just the mere prospect of the situation that you barely stop to think that you'd ever miss home. But as much as I love Ireland and the people that have surrounded me in this short amount of time I've been here, I of course still miss all my loved ones back home.
I miss having my mom make me a nice breakfast, or more importantly not having to call at strategic times so that we can talk. I miss walking into my room at school to a chaotic mess that makes me feel included and loved every step of the way. And as much as I got annoyed with the little things, when you step back those are things you genuinely take for granted.
It's week one and I can admit I definitely miss my family and friends. It's week one and I'm torn between loving this new country, but yet still yearning for all that the small Upstate town of New York has to offer. Its week one, and I can't wait to see the leaps my life has taken at week 13.