Change. Change is “the act or instance of making or becoming different.” Personally, I don’t look at change as one moment in time when things suddenly become different. Change is an ongoing and everlasting occurrence that goes on constantly throughout life. It is the common thread throughout life; everyone no matter how old they are, where they come from, or what they look like will experience change in some way, shape, or form. The only constant that comes with change is that we are constantly changing. Change is inevitable. So why not make it a positive thing?
For the longest time, I remember thinking that I was just someone that did not like change. I did not do well with it and I did not want it to happen; I craved normalcy and consistency in my life. I would be upset when things didn’t go as planned, or when I felt things or people change in my life. I believed that change almost always was accompanied by chaos and confusion in life and since I do not do well with chaos, I thought I was just someone that didn’t handle change well. When in reality, the problem was that I was looking at change all wrong.
I looked at change as straying away from the normal. I avoided it at all costs because I thought it wasn’t supposed to happen and when it did, I had to do everything in my power to make sure life went back to the way it was. I was stagnant, staying in the same place. In the past couple of years I have experienced immense change. The people in my life have changed; some have grown to be amazing and beautiful people, and some the complete opposite. The relationships I had with the people in my life have changed too; some that I thought would always be there are now long gone. When all of that happened, it felt very chaotic and like I had lost control. But looking back on it now, I realize that everything that changed and had happened was to get me to exactly where I am now. The most important thing that has changed throughout these past couple of years was me. I’ve changed. I have grown into someone that I’m proud to be and one of the most important reasons that I’ve changed is because I was able to let go of this notion that change is always something negative.
Change is something that should be embraced and appreciated. We should take it and welcome it with open arms because change is a reminder that we are constantly growing. I have figured out that what might’ve worked for me a couple of years ago might not fit into my life now, and what works now, is definitely not going to work in the future. Whenever I am faced with change, I figure out what I can do that will make whatever has changed, whether it be for the good or the bad, fit into my life now. I have become flexible; instead of looking at life like some picture perfect notion that as soon as I'm happy, I must keep exactly the same forever. When things don’t go as planned or there are some major changes in your life, instead of looking at it as either bad or good and reacting in the same way, take it and make it work. Sure, you can’t take control of everything that changes and more often than not the stuff you can’t control is the stuff you wish you could. But you can control the way you take change on. You can control the way you react to it, and what you to do to be comfortable with whatever it is that’s new.
I’m in no way saying that change is easy; it’s really really hard. You get comfortable and used to your routine, your life and then when you have to change it can become difficult to become comfortable again. Especially if you’re someone like me; who meticulously plans everything in life. But I think that embracing the unexpected and being able to roll with the punches and go with the flow is a major part of growing up and becoming a mature and capable member of society. As you grow, you realize that change isn’t just okay, it is absolutely necessary.
Change is good. Change is growth. Change is progress. Change is constantly taking in what life gives you and evolving and adapting it to fit your circumstances. It is normal. Change is something everyone must go through, and something that everyone will go through. Change has to happen throughout life; so instead of fighting it, embrace it.