As we grow older, we all change in some way. We grow taller, become smarter, and even our personalities change. But that's not what this article is about.
This article is about the changes within the changes. Now, you're probably asking, "What the heck does she mean by that?" So here it goes... in life there are things we can't control and there are things that change without us ever really realizing it until the change has already happened.
Let me elaborate: That person that used to be your best friend in the entire world, you now talk to once or twice a month. A relative passes away and you never really understood what life was going to be like without them until they are gone. That relationship that ended that you thought would last forever because you were convinced that the two of you could get through anything. A family member going through difficult times and having to do what they think is best for them, even if isn't what's best for the entire family.
The bottom line is this..people leave and things change, but life doesn't stop for anybody and we must learn to accept that. We must learn that change is inevitable and for personal growth, change is a necessity. Nobody ever reached their full potential stuck in their comfort zone and nobody can ever experience true joy in their life, if they never change. Is it easy? Absolutely not. Is it for the best? I always believe it is for the best and if it isn't for the best, things will go back to the way they originally were. We must learn to trust God and his path for us. If we do that we will never doubt change and will never doubt who we are and what we want from life.
So next time you have a big decision to make or are going through a new experience in life, embrace it and remember that change is good, but it's not easy.