As we have seen in the past few months, the world that we know and love has gone downhill. From political views to the Earth, our world is not the same as it was many years ago. 10 years ago, I was in middle school, enjoying life and not worrying about much. Today, the world is different, and not as I remember growing up. The society we are in, has changed but some might argue for the better.
Technological advances have driven the society well beyond people's imagination as we are getting closer and closer to advanced life. That is a good thing about our society, but there always is negatives too. Protests, anger at politicians, and even toward our President have made me think that why is our society like this.
What drives people to go and be angry? Well I am not sure, I know that I am not angry, but people around me can be. Some might say it is because they are snowflakes, but I think it is because they do not understand the real story behind the scenes. If people were to take more time to understand both sides rather than just take one person's view, then we might, just might have a better society.
In the end, my opinion might not make much of a difference, but I always see both sides. Being a conservative, I always strive to be good and listen to others ideas, but many on the other side of the aisles, might not want to listen to me as I am not in their mind “correct”. Still, I find myself interested in the political scene, as I like to hear about what is happening in the world and not just in school. So my challenge for you reading this is to always listen to both sides before you make a decisions about the next representative in the government and understand why certain people are doing certain things, for it might help put our society back on track.