Summer is a great time to relax from the busy school schedule. The warm weather, sun, and wealth of activities provide great opportunities for exploration. However, in the expanse of the many great activities, we forget about our summer goals.
This summer make a bucket list to keep yourself motivated and off the couch. The list does not have to include grand adventures like venturing out of the country, but small things like walking your dog every day, going to the beach once a week, or even reading a set number of books each month of summer.
Bucket lists can act as a more fun to-do list to engage you in completing summer goals. This way instead of bingeing Netflix all summer or forgetting important things you wanted to get done, you have a go-to on what you want to complete.
Just because the school year stops does not mean you should forget about pursuing your goals. There are many adventures that await and can be completed outside of school. Even in your hometown (no matter how small) there are things to be done. Consider making a vegetable garden, growing sunflowers in your backyard, redesigning your room, reading a book a week, going to the gym every other day, learning to cook handmade pasta, or even learning how to paint.
There are also a lot of outdoor adventures that can be accomplished like training to run a 3k, riding a bike around your neighborhood, and swimming outside (in a lake, pool, or the ocean).
Summer is filled with so many adventures and goals waiting to be accomplished that can easily be forgotten in the face of relaxation. Don't forget all the great things that can be accomplished with the extra time provided by long summer days. Make a bucket list and include small and big goals on your list!