I challenge you to be the best version of yourself possible. If you're reading this, then I challenge you to complete this list. You can do one of the items, a few, or all of them, it doesn't really matter! Use the comment section to let us know if you tried any of this and how it made you feel.
I challenge you to be more present in the moment in your life each and every day. Stop recording concerts so you can look back on it later, enjoy being there and watching it in real life and not through a screen. Stop interrupting the great time you're having with your friends to take a picture for Instagram every few minutes. Stop thinking about what you're going to be doing later. Enjoy what you are doing right now in this moment. Stop just going through the motions of life an start actually living it.
I challenge you to be kinder and more forgiving to strangers. That girl who just cut you off on the highway might be just learning how to drive and she probably already realized her mistake and she's beating herself up about it already, she doesn't need you giving her the finger or yelling at her. That extremely rude seeming customer who was on the phone the whole time you cashed him out might be on the phone with the hospital about his daughter's failing health condition. You don't know everyone's situation and a little patience and understanding never hurt anyone.
I challenge you to be kinder and more forgiving to yourself. I'm a firm believer that mistakes are a good thing. It means you attempted and tried and if you don't at least try how will you accomplish anything ever?? Stop beating yourself up for that one time something didn't go how you expected it would. You are your hardest judge and you need to cut yourself some slack every once in a while. Don't forget to be nice to yourself too.
I challenge you to try something new. It can be literally anything. Try a new food, a new activity, a club, listen to a new type of music. Routines are safe and that's why so many people love them. Try stepping just a little bit out of your usual routine and see what can happen!
I challenge you to take a break from social media. This might see strange because that's how this article found you but please give it a shot. It doesn't matter the amount of time, just try going without it for a bit and see how it affects your every day life. Do you miss it? Are you relieved that you don't know everyone's personal drama? Let us know in the comment section please(:
I challenge you to try living on 4 dollars a day. This was an activity I did for school an it was extremely eyeopening and I believe it's something everyone should experience. Give it a try!
Please give some of these a shot! It'll be worth it, I swear.