Hello, my name is Hannah, and I am an extrovert.
I'm the one who will float around the dining court and stop at every person I say hello to, ask them how their day was, swap a short story, tell them to have a fantastic rest of their day and then... REPEAT. I'll confess, it takes me a fair amount of time to grab my food and sit down on an average day.
I think it's connected to my love of being around the rest of the human race. We are exciting, always doing something, always thinking. We take action. We share our hearts, souls, minds and innermost thoughts with each other. We interact, unashamedly walking around on two legs walking and talking with confidence. This is why I am an extrovert. There is so much I can learn from my peers and so much I want to know, that by spending time with them not only do I learn, but I mark my place in a special community where life happens. When we are in community with one another, life-long learning happens (is my education major showing yet?).
The greatest place to start living and learning starts with the people around you, whether you directly or indirectly interact with them. Our cultures and communities are structured by society. Society is made up of people. The things we hear, say and do are influenced by those around us. We are motivated by people and in turn we can motivate others. Ultimately, it's our choice. Realizing we have that influence is all it takes to make an impact on someone else and encourage them to partake in the community around them. We each have something special to give.
So many of our greatest life moments are done with others, whether you are an introvert or an extrovert. The moments we are loved and love well can reap the greatest rewards.
This is my challenge. Me, a person being an extrovert who is energized by her peers and desires to learn something new everyday, challenging you, whether you are the poster child for being extroverted or introverted. Do not let a day go by where you have not made an impact. Big or small, you have something to contribute and people want to be impacted by you.