1. To give to charity
We keep what we have only by giving it away. I believe this in that by giving freely of what we have received, we remain square with the house; we re-balance the scales of life. By giving of ourselves we come closer to the source of creativity in the universe. One may possess a mindset of scarcity or one may possess a mindset of abundance. The "stuff" that allows us to realize our potential is unlimited. By giving, we reinforce this attitude of abundance, and we will receive what we desire.2. To learn something new
I want to always challenge myself to learn to do new things and learn new ways of perceiving the world. By challenging ourselves, we keep the creative juices flowing. Life is all about learning and growing. When learning ceases, that will be the end.3. To teach others
Teaching others is one of the noblest causes I can imagine. Passing on what we have learned to others keeps us grounded and our gratitude remains constant and strong. By being grateful, we move closer to the source of creativity. Rather than compete, we can create, and we can teach others how we do it.4. To dance in public
Dancing in public is all about doing what makes one happy despite what others might think. Too often I have been stymied by allowing what others think of me to define who or what I am. I refuse to commit myself to this external definition any longer.5. To take the harder route
The harder route is the route that requires more of the stuff that makes us better, stronger and abler. By practicing these things we come closer to realizing our life’s fullest potential. Kennedy said, "...we do this and the other things... not because they are easy, but because they are hard." He was a wise one, that Kennedy.6. To cry
Crying, laughing and displaying other emotions is paramount to living a healthy emotional life. By stuffing these emotions and never letting them out to the surface we deny ourselves what it truly means to be who we are and to experience the joy and pain that makes life a special experience. We shouldn’t deny ourselves our emotions since these are valid reflections of who we are at that moment in time. By denying our emotions, we deny ourselves.7. To listen
We should always seek to understand first, rather than first trying to be understood. Stephen Covey understood this so well. We can achieve this by listening. Not hearing, necessarily, but actively listening to another with sympathy and empathy. It allows us to connect fundamentally and to grow as spiritual beings.8. To care
Caring is something there seems to be much too little of in the world. Care more. Love more. And we will move closer to achieving peace and prosperity in our lives and in the lives of those with whom we interact daily.9. To challenge assumptions
Only by challenging the status quo can we ever expect to change our worldview and that of others. It can be a difficult thing to do as it puts us in the position of being out of the mainstream. We might be ridiculed, we might be ostracized, but we will always be true to ourselves. By challenging assumptions, we free ourselves of the confining thinking that prevents innovation and fosters mediocrity.10. To become involved
When I succeed, my community succeeds and when my community succeeds, I succeed. Enough said.So inspire someone to do something different today. Become motivated to do something different yourself. Taking the more uncomfortable route will always pay off in the long run.