No matter your body's size or shape, cellulite is inevitable. It's not a flaw. It's not ugly. And it doesn't prevent you from being beautiful. But for some reason, pictures of celebrities are almost always retouched to make it seem like no one has cellulite. If there are unaltered photographs of cellulite released, there are most likely photographs hiding the cellulite, too.
By covering up or removing the patches of a woman's cellulite, and labeling the photoshopped version of the image as beautiful and perfection, society is telling the people of the world that if you have cellulite, you're not perfect. You're not beautiful. If you want to be beautiful, or at least as beautiful as *insert your favorite celebrity*, you need to get rid of your visible cellulite.
Cellulite isn't the enemy! Cellulite isn't a barrier keeping individuals away from being beautiful. Same with stretch marks, fat rolls, scars, birth marks, and body hair. Every physical (and mental trait for that matter) that you think is a personal flaw makes you unique. They're not flaws, they're puzzle pieces. Puzzle pieces that make you, you.
Standards for beauty and perfection are impossible to attain. Seriously, the celebs who promote beauty/perfection standards don't even fit the standards they set. Cindy Crawford once said, "I wish I looked Cindy Crawford!"
Cellulite isn't a weight issue; it's a body image issue. And if the world quits connecting cellulite to flaws and ugliness, there would be a lot more self-love in the world.
There's no need to retouch your photographs to get rid of cellulite. There's no need to hide the markers on your body, because your body is capable of incredible things. Negativity should not hold you back from living in bliss.
If you don't like your cellulite, that's fine. But shoving the belief that all cellulite is ugly will make girls and women who don't mind their cellulite second guess their worth and beauty. Our enemy is negative body image. We can work together to support and love each other, and as an end result, eliminate the negative connotation tied to cellulite.