Why I Don't Like Cell Phones | The Odyssey Online
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Why I Don't Like Cell Phones

The cell phone industry has managed to successfully advocate the notion that without a cellphone, one is completely helpless and hapless.

Why I Don't Like Cell Phones
The Idiot Tax

The cell phone industry continues to thrive and be profitable due to consumers being led to believe that life without a cell phone is impossible. People have become dependent on these devices to the extent of risking their lives in order to save their phones. For me, having a cell phone means that my every move can be tracked. Thatā€™s like being in bondage. Questions like "Where are you" and "Why are you there" will only apply if you own a cell phone. Letā€™s face the facts here; to be without a cell phone enhances the quality of oneā€™s life.

To own a cell phone can lead to obesity. Consider an individual who merely sits, talks, text, listen to music, watches videos, and plays games. This can prove to be time-consuming, as the individualā€™s time is so preoccupied with the cell phone, he will most likely not be concerned about health issues and so fail to schedule time for exercise or workout activities. This lack of physical activity can create a relaxed atmosphere where the cell phone user neglects to even consider proper nutrition, but instead will adopt unhealthy eating habits than can contribute to obesity.

Cell phones can also be disrupting. Cell phones can and have shown to be extremely disruptive, especially in settings such as classrooms. When this happens, the focus of everyone present is shifted and thoughts are interrupted, much to the annoyance of others who are present. Consider a college classroom; the professor lectures and tries to convey an important idea to the students. A cell phone rings, causing both professor and students to become distracted. Now imagine a quiet exam setting where students are trying to concentrate in order to remember all that they have been taught which is crucial for success and to get a passing grade. Suddenly a shrill ring pierces the air, and once again, the cell phone has managed to redirect thoughts and be disruptive.

Cell phones are expensive and can prove costly to maintain. The average cell phone user pays at least $35 dollars per month, and thatā€™s just for basic usage, such as talk and text. Additional services and features, such as video watching, game playing, listening to music, and downloading various applications can cost one up to $100 monthly. Also, with the constant upgrading of these cell phones, consumers are constantly being bombarded with newer and better models and persuaded to replace their existing model for a newer version. I was even told by one of my professors that I needed to upgrade my cell phone. I canā€™t afford to, it's just too expensive.

Considering these negative arguments against having a cell phone, one can safely conclude that to be without a cell phone should prove to be a smart and wise decision for prospective and current cell phone users to take into consideration. This is the case that I have presented against ownership of a cell phone. In my opinion, government should consider lobbying to restrict cell phone usage in formal settings and implement mandatory usage of beepers in these highly affected areas.

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