As many have probably seen online, Kim Kardashian-West was held at gunpoint in Paris Sunday night. After the night's events and others that have happened in the past few months, I think it's important to think before you act or speak. Maybe you don't think celebrities deserve respect, but I think everyone deserves it and sympathy. It is completely mind blowing that anyone can think some deserve to die or be hurt just for the pure fact that they have been successful.
People have made claims that if you really believe the robbery happened then you're naive, but the Paris police have confirmed the robbery. I also feel really sorry for you if you believe a concert is more important that the safety of the family. Kanye had every right and reason to leave his concert and gave the audience his reason for leaving. Yes, I understand there are "more important" things to talk about, but they are famous so of course, it's a hot topic. You can't be mad that people are talking about celebrities that they look up to, even if you don’t agree. Yes, this happens every day and we don't necessarily hear about it, but that's not the big picture.
The big picture is that she is a human being, just like you and me. She could have easily had her life taken, but their motive was clearly money not who she was. She has a family, anyone who has the internet knows this and them. She has children, she is a mother. This is not a joking matter, no matter who is EVER put in a life or death situation it should not be turned into a joke.
The human life is not a joke, it's a precious thing. Don't take your life or family for granted as this could have easily been anyone. I promise that you wouldn't think it was a joke if you were put in her shoes. So before you talk badly about a celebrity and their situations, think: would I want my closest friends and family to say this about me, or would I want love and support? Hug your family tight and tell them you love them every chance you get because we aren’t guaranteed every day, and the media should be your prime example of just how cruel this world can be.