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23 Celebrity NJBs You Can Take Home to Your Bubbe

They're nice, Jewish, and famous???

23 Celebrity NJBs You Can Take Home to Your Bubbe

If you've ever heard a Jewish girl go on and on about wanting to find an "NJB," she's referring to the term, "nice Jewish boy." It has become a Jewish stereotype that really isn't the worst thing Jewish men have been associated with, but in today's culture, it's turning into a phenomenon. There's even an NJB Calendar complete with photos and short bios.

What exactly makes a Jewish boy an NJB, though? Well, first off, they have to be Jewish. They don't necessarily have to be full-Jewish, but they should at least be 1/8 Jewish, having descended from at least one Jewish great-grandparent. They also have to be kind and respectful. Joe Goldberg from Netflix's "YOU," not an NJB. Literally, anyone who isn't a jerk, sociopath, or murderer: most likely NJB.

I have compiled a list, either taken from a Google search of male Jewish celebrities or asking around to my Jewish girlfriends, of their favorite celebrity NJBs. They are listed in no particular order.

1. Logan Lerman

Whether you love him from his role of Percy Jackson in The Lightning Thief or Charlie in The Perks of Being a Wallflower, your Bubbe will definitely approve of this one!

2. Nick Kroll

Nick Kroll is the #1 NJB in my book. It's not all about the looks, ladies and gents! This man also is hilarious and has a personality!

3. Andy Samberg

The dorkiness just makes him all the more cuter. Nine-Nine!

4. Daniel Radcliffe

Yer Jewish, Harry! That's right! While not a practicing Jew, Daniel's mother is Jewish, and he's pretty proud of his Jewish heritage.

5. Jeff Golblum

I mean... who doesn't love Jeff Goldblum? This man ages like fine wine. He remains an icon from his role in Jurassic Park (those leather pants, amiright?) to becoming The Master in Thor: Ragnorak.

6. Harrison Ford

Following Adam Sandler's "Hanukkah Song," Harrison Ford is a 1/4 Jew! Another man who still looks good to this day (and was my first celebrity crush as a child).

7. Bob Dylan

8. Lil Dicky

9. Max Greenfield

Greenfield's character Schmidt on New Girl is still one of my Jewish icons!

10. Adam Sandler

I just couldn't compile this list without including Adam Sandler!

11. Troye Sivan

Here's one for the boys!

12. Paul Rudd

Okay, but like, go and look at the cast of I Love You, Man and look how many Jewish actors/actresses are in that movie!

13. Adam Brody

14. Jason Segel

15. Seth Rogan

Have you seen Seth Rogan's "Hilarity for Charity" on Netflix? If you haven't, go watch it.

16. Zac Efron

While Zefron is playing the not-at-all nice boy, Ted Bundy in his upcoming movie, "Extremely Wicked, Shockingly Evil and Vile," he himself is, in fact, an NJB

17. Chris Pine

I mean, what Bubbe couldn't resist those beautiful blue eyes?

18. Timothée Chalamet

This young man (and his perfect bone structure) has been quite on the come-up lately

19. Dan Avidan

Almost forgot about this nerdastical gamer from Game Grumps on YouTube!

20. Jake Gyllenhaal

He's both cute and nice, but his last name is definitely a woozy when it comes to spelling

21. James Franco

22. Ben Platt

Remember when he played that really awkward guy in Pitch Perfect? Now look at him. He's am award-winning Broadway star, and he's got an album coming out!

23. Joseph Gordon-Levitt

Last, but certainly not least, this cutie with the most adorable dimples.

Now, there are dozens of more celebrity NJBs out there. These are just a few. I definitely left out a few, either because the list would go on and on, or you really shouldn't bring them home to your Bubbe anyway.

For example, Adam Levine, as cute and talented as he may be, is 1. married, and 2. covered in tattoos. I've personally got nothing against tattoos, but I can't say the same for your Bubbe.

I'm only looking out for you, girlfriend.

While we may fantasize about not only having an NJB, but they also happening to be famous, life is not always perfect and doesn't follow our plans. Non-Jewish men are nice too. Non-celebrity men are also nice, just not famous.

If you can not obtain any of the preceding men, please consult your local synagogue to find the NJB of your dreams.

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