Celebrity Conspiracy Theory: Michael Jackson
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Celebrity Conspiracy Theory: Michael Jackson

"If you enter this world knowing you are loved and leave this world knowing the same, then everything that happens in between can be dealt with" -Michael Jackson

Celebrity Conspiracy Theory: Michael Jackson

According to a recent interview with Paris Jackson for 'The Rolling Stone', the late superstar's daughter believes that her father was murdered. Paris states that the company her dad worked under never gave him a break, which eventually lead to his death. She also states that there are many other conspiracy theories floating around about her father's death. Let's take a look at the most popular of them all.

His death was a hoax.

A lot of people believe that Michael Jackson is not dead. There actually is an entire website called http://www.michaeljacksonsightings.com that is a collection of photographs of supposed sighting of the 'prince of pop.' Along with that website, there is an entire WordPress blog explaining how the death of Michael Jackson was staged. And to be honest, this blog has a lot of good points. Listed below are some of them.

-As the ambulance left the house, the sirens were not on. Usually ambulance sirens are always on, and what makes it a bit more odd is the fact that the ambulance waited for a tourist bus to move. Its as if the ambulance was not worried about the dying patient in the back.

-A few hours after Jackson was taken into medical care, all of his personal staff was fired.

-They claim that Michael Jackson died of cardiac arrest, yet the coroner says the body brought to him was missing hair and the side of his face looked like it "caved in."

-There is video evidence of a real-life person jumping out of the coroner van that the dead body was placed in (Seriously, you can find anything on YouTube).

-AEG (the company that basically ran Jackson's life) took out an insurance policy that covers an "overdose" death instead of a natural one.

-Two words: Dave Dave. Apparently this man, who was burned as a child, was friends with Jackson for a very long time. In an interview with Larry King, Dave Dave was talking about his friendship with Jackson. Yet, Dave sounds EXACTLY like the singer himself when he speaks. People believe Dave is actually Michael Jackson undercover.

-Jackson was a relatively healthy person. He practiced yoga, was a vegetarian, and slept in a hyperbaric chamber. If Jackson lived this healthy lifestyle, then why would he overdose on prescription drugs?

-People believe that Michael Jackson showed up to his own funeral. Supposedly he dressed in a blonde wig and gave the stage a "thumbs up" from the audience.

-Along with the above statement, all of the Jackson siblings were wearing glasses, including the blonde-hair "lady" in the audience. The children and Michael's parents were not wearing sunglasses.

-Only Jermaine Jackson is interviewed about the death of his brother. People believe this is because he is the only one of the siblings who can pull off a good 'fake cry' over his 'deceased' brother.

There are many other conspiracies following the death of celebrities. Many of those conspiracies happen to be the celebrity faking their death. Elvis Presley, Amy Winehouse, and Tupac are all examples of some death hoax celebrities. Many people still believe that these artists are still alive. I do think that a lot of the facts do not add up surrounding Michael Jackson's death, and I am sure that being as famous as he was can take a huge toll on one's life. But I honestly am unsure if Jackson faked his death. Part of me thinks he might have, but that part of me also doesn't want to disrespect his legacy if he honestly did pass on. If Michael Jackson did fake his death, that's gonna be one hell of a reunion concert.

So, is the king of pop still alive? What do you think?

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