Kim and Taylor got in the Super Bowl of Celebrity Feuds, and it isn’t your average celebrity feud. If you’re older, I can only equate this to being as big as when Angelina stole Brad from Jennifer debacle times a thousand. If you think it’s just your run-of-the-mill dumb feud, you’re incorrect. It is so detailed and intricate, it’s like reading all the "Harry Potter" books in a day except better outfits. And as much as I would love to talk about it, I will not.
After taking excessive joy in this situation, the next biggest response is asking “Why don’t celebrities use their voices for things that matter? Talk about the real issues?” Even celebrities are saying it, and I have a lot of issues with this.
I am going to go ahead and get it out the way that Kim Kardashian has regularly weighed in on current issues such as gun violence, recent terrorist attacks, police brutality, etc, and still made time to take down Taylor because we all need hobbies. But so what if she hadn’t? So many celebrities don’t, especially the ones criticizing this situation.
I was listening to the radio the other day, and the jockey said the old “Celebrities should use their voices for good, not this.” Same radio station that the day before there was a group talking about the best pickle they had ever eaten while keeping it a little raunchy. Same radio station that has a weekly show where they call a man at work to try to catch him cheating on his girlfriend and another weekly show where they’ll call a woman at night pretending it’s a booty call just to see how she reacts. I’m not trying to be snotty, but not a radio station that I have heard the “big issues” tackled on.
Our country has gone through some hard stuff recently to say the least. Everybody mourns differently. It’s just hard to remember that when it seems like all there is is screaming. To me, mourning does not consist of posting opinions on the internet, but if it is for you, heal however you see fit. But you cannot be mad when it isn’t someone else’s, even if that person’s voice is socially louder than yours. If I did feel so inclined to post my social or political opinions on the internet, people I know would come after me. And when a celebrity does it, it’s like that times a million. Hours of scrolling through strangers with threats. If Taylor or Kim Instagrammed about prison reform, it would’ve turned into “Shut up and be a celebrity.”
Celebrities are people. As far as I can tell. They’re human. Again, probably. And this is one of the most human things to ever happen. If this happened in your school or hometown which I am sure something similar has, you would have hopped all over that quick.
I’m not gonna say that what happened was right. But I’m not gonna say it was wrong because I love it. But these people will be criticized no matter what they do. They are just people interacting with social media, which is kind of the point. So stop yelling at them. Unless you have a good point. And even then, maybe not. Let them talk trash about each other and let me enjoy it.
In conclusion, being a person is hard. Probably still even if you’re famous. But I can't be sure.