Just when I thought I couldn't love Target any more than I already do, they have given me yet another reason to keep supporting them. This past week, Target announced that all of its stores will now allow transgender customers to use whichever restroom matches the gender they identify with. For those of you who may be unfamiliar with the concept of being transgender, this basically means that a person's gender identity is the opposite of their assigned sex at birth.
Unfortunately, legislatures in recent months have tried to propose bills that would constrain transgender people to using the restrooms that match their sex. Some of the concerns surrounding the idea of restrooms being separated only by gender identity include 1) which restroom transgender people should be using if they have not had genital surgery despite their gender identity, 2) women or men getting harassed in the restroom by transgender people and 3) people who are not transgender abusing this new system by going into the wrong restroom on purpose. My sole concern has nothing to do with those who are transgender at all; the only legitimate concern, in my opinion, would be a non-transgender person dishonestly entering a restroom that does not match their gender identity. However, as a constantly evolving society, we need to learn to trust that our fellow people will do the right thing. If this scenario of someone intentionally entering the wrong restroom were to actually happen, it would be a one in a million occurrence and obviously not an everyday ordeal. Therefore, why wouldn't we take this opportunity to make transgender people feel just as comfortable as we are while using the restroom in public?
I applaud Target on this revolutionary change for the betterment of our society, and I can only hope other large companies will soon follow in their footsteps.