Mother's Day has always been a little bit different for me. There were never secret operations executed by my dad and me to ensure the ultimate Mother's Day surprise, I never felt the panic of picking out the perfect card, and all my Mother's Day school projects were made for my grandmothers. When it came to that first Sunday in May when all my friends were spending time with their mothers, I usually hung around at home and treated it like any other Sunday. I used to get so upset over other peoples' Mother's Day posts and Mother's Day plans, and I wished so much that I had a mom to spoil. But, as I got older I realized that there are so many ways to go about celebrating Mother's Day -- even without a mom. There were so many other people who made the absence of a mom in my life easier to cope with.
Even though losing my mom is a battle I am still fighting to this day, I can't deny the amazing job my dad did raising me. In elementary school, he tried his best at putting my hair in a perfect ponytail just like other girls' moms did for their daughters. In middle school, he stood idly by as I went through my "scene kid" phase, and even endured a Jonas Brothers concert or two. When high school came and went, he planned the perfect grad party to celebrate my successes and helped me pick out the perfect white dress to wear for graduation. Now, as a 20-year-old college student, he is my best friend and biggest supporter of my dreams and aspirations. I could not imagine my life without our late night food runs and jam sessions in the car. Now when Mother's Day comes around, I still spare a thought for my mom who I love so very much, but I also take the time to appreciate the sacrifices my dad had to make for me after her passing. My dad is such an admirable person for stepping up and being not only an amazing father, but trying his best to make sure I didn't miss out just because I didn't have a mom.
On top of being raised by an amazing father, I also had many honorary mothers who helped shape me into the woman I am today. I am so thankful for the mothers of my friends who were there for me and treated me like one of their own daughters. I was always invited and included in Mother Day festivities, and I always felt like I had people to turn to in case I needed guidance that reached beyond what my father could help me with. I also owe the biggest thank you to my friends who are my rock and constant support system. They were there for graduation, plays, choir concerts, and everything else that I couldn't have done without their encouragement.
Losing a parent is nothing I would wish on my worst enemy. Through the years my mother has been gone I have learned that there are good days and bad days. There are days where I feel overwhelmingly sad that I am missing out on having a mom in my life. At the same time, there are days that I remind myself that I would not be who I am today without having been through such an experience. To others out there who have lost their parents, look around you. When you feel alone, think of all the people that make life a little bit easier and thank them for being a part of your life. Happy Mother's Day.