As many of you may know, October is Down syndrome Awareness month. This month means celebrating the life of those diagnosed with Down syndrome and celebrating everything those diagnosed are capable of. The textbook definition of Down syndrome is "a congenital disorder arising from a chromosome defect, causing intellectual impairment and physical abnormalities including short stature and a broad facial profile. It arises from a defect involving chromosome 21, usually an extra copy." This definition has many medical terms that most don't understand. Some may see the words "intellectual impairment" and they begin to make their judgments. Therefore, barriers begin to be set for those diagnosed by those who only see the textbook definition. However, this definition does no justice for the population of those diagnosed with Down syndrome.
The definition means nothing to those diagnosed, it's just a medical classification. Mainly because those diagnosed with Down syndrome are no different than your best friend, in fact, they could be your best friend. Some may infer that since those with Down Syndrome have an extra chromosome that they are "different" or "weird". However, that extra chromosome of those diagnosed with Down syndrome makes them who they are.
My friends with Down syndrome are some of the most lovable and caring people I have ever met. They fill my life with joy, laughter, and positivity. They see the positive in every situation and never fail to find the happy ending. My friends love to do everything that I do because they are capable of it. Society likes to put barriers around those who are classified with "disabilities". However, the word disability is nothing but a word. Because every person with Down syndrome is capable and able of whatever they put their mind too. They may do it differently or need a little help, but they are able. They are thinkers, believers, and go-getters. Those with Down syndrome break the barriers that society sets for them on the daily.
My friends with Down syndrome have jobs, go to college, are in relationships, and live their life to fullest. My friends with Down syndrome never let society stop them. They never let anyone underestimate their abilities and they never fail to rise the challenge and overcome anything that comes their way.
Down syndrome Awareness, Month was created to celebrate all of this. It was created to celebrate the abilities of those around us rather than their disability. It was created to celebrate the accomplishments of those with Down syndrome and the barriers they have overcome. It was created to one day have the world which will allow those with Down syndrome have equal opportunities in society, to live the life of their dreams without society creating barriers, and to one day be valued and appreciated for their abilities in our society.
This month, I challenge you to be inclusive. To include those with disabilities rather than exclude. To see those with disabilities as who they are rather than their medical diagnosis. Once you oversee the diagnosis of someone with a disability, you will begin to see who they really are. Without that diagnosis fogging your brain you will begin to make friendships and begin to love with borders. You will learn to love and accept that no matter the diagnosis. You will see what makes them special and see their personality. Down syndrome Awareness Month is the perfect time to learn how to be accepting of those who are different than you and you will learn to love without borders by seeing someone's true and pure self, not what society defines them as.