As winter break approaches, if you can think past the fact that it is final exams, it's hard not to get excited for whatever winter holiday you celebrate. Most families or friend groups have traditions and activities they do each year to celebrate the holidays. After recently talking to my mom who is overly enthusiastic about all holidays especially Christmas her and I came up with a couple great things to do this winter break as a family.
Firstly, for competitive families like mine, a gingerbread house decorating contest should be on everyone's winter to do list. Whether you decide to get kits or make it harder by just buying general supplies, it's a guaranteed fun time. The only downside is it can cause a heck of a clean up. Another thing my family and I do every year and will be doing again this year is a trip to the lights at the zoo. Most people do this with the significant other but some of us aren't so lucky.
The one thing I look most forward to about going home though is the food. The signature dishes my mom or grandma make every year are almost better than presents. While preparing meals isn't the easiest thing, baking cookies is. Baking cookies with family and friends is an great tradition to have or start. Sugar cookie cut outs are my personal favorites and everyone gets to decorate them when they're ready.
As for friend activities this holiday season, I plan on going and trying all of Starbucks seasonal drinks and watching way too many holiday movies in my sororities house's basement. We'll probably plan a secret Santa or gift exchange too which is cheaper and more fun than having to buy gifts for each of my friends.
Right after Thanksgiving break it's almost a guarantee that all of our rooms will be decorated with mini trees and window stickers. Winter break is coming soon and though I'll miss some of my friends it's going to be a great time to relax and have some seasonal fun!