I wrote about my dad before, something that was simply for me, and it was heard by so many others. It had so many shares, comments, and love surrounding it.
People in different states ended up reaching out to me, and people I knew but didn't expect to hear from too. What this all reminded me of, was that I have more support and people who relate to me than I realize.
So many people don't grow up with a father figure, and I can only imagine how hard that is, but imagine the pain of having a great dad, who was just suddenly taken from you.
Death is a part of life, I know that, but that doesn't mean that it hurts any less when you lose someone, especially when they're so young and it's unexpected. Father's Day is now a reminder that one of my best friends is no longer here, and that my mom is now playing both roles (which she does a great job at) but it's not the same.
Pain is pain, but the kind that never truly ends, and comes and goes whenever it pleases, the kind you know oh so well if you lose someone you love, is one of the strongest forms you'll ever know. This is the pain myself and many others will feel this Sunday as we celebrate Father's Day without our dads.
Holidays always bring that pain a little closer to the surface and have you feeling a ton of emotions like a rollercoaster. Father's Day now is a day full of memories flashing through your mind, and watching other's post new pics, while all you have are recurring pictures from your youth.
This will be my eighth Father's Day without my dad here to celebrate and I don't think it'll ever get easier. Losing my dad has made Father's Day so different.
I can't go buy him gifts or treat for dinner that day, I can't just be with him like I wish so very much to do. Father's Day is no longer a happy day, but instead another reminder of what isn't.
I could spend the rest of my life sulking and focusing on the what if's, but then I would not be me, and would not be making my dad proud. I have to continue through these days with a smile on my face and overcome them just like every other day, I have to do it for him.
It's not easy, but I definitely have my guardian angel over my shoulder each year to help me get through it.
Father's Day is no longer the same because my dad is not here, but he still deserves the same recognition that every other dad gets because he was as great as anyone else, and I know he is still here watching over me.
So yes, you will see me posting old pictures year after year, because my dad is still my dad and I love him just as much now as I did when he was here on earth.