7. Go to a local Holiday Light Show! | The Odyssey Online
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8 Special Ways To Celebrate Feeling Merry And Bright

What better way to get into the holiday season!

8 Special Ways To Celebrate Feeling Merry And Bright

Ladies and gentleman, it is officially time to start blasting Mariah Carey's 'All I Want For Christmas Is You' as you drive down the street. Even though it still might not be totally acceptable to attach reindeer antlers to the top of your cars, there are plenty of ways to get involved in the holiday spirit!

1. 25 Days of Christmas Movie Marathon 

Easily one of the best holiday traditions out there. Get snuggled up in your matching pajama set, have some extra hot chocolate ready, and tune into the classic Christmas movies broadcasted every year. Take a night in to truly sit back, relax, and get into the Christmas spirit.

2. Ice Skating in NYC is a MUST

The best way to be a tourist in New York City is to go ice skating! Grab your loved ones for a fun night of skating (or trying to pull off like you can actually skate before you break an ankle after falling on the floor repeatedly). There are ice skating rinks located in Rockefeller Center and in Bryant Park surrounded by glistening Christmas lights and more!

3. Visit Christmas Village Love Park in Philly!

Visit Philadelphia's finest Christmas attraction! For all those who live closer to the greater Philadelphia area, check out The Christmas Village for a chance to watch live performances, attend different events, and take pictures centered around spreading holiday fun!

4. Anyone ready to bake some Christmas cookies?

All I'm saying is if you haven't already bought the holiday-themed Pillsbury cookies you are not celebrating the holiday season right! What better way to spend time with your family than to break out your cookie baking skills by making some tasty treats!? Not only is it a great way to spend the afternoon with loved ones, but also makes any home feel incredibly ready for the holiday season.

5. Alright, it's time to see who can build the best gingerbread house!

Building gingerbread houses are all fun and games until your friend gets a little too competitive, and makes their house look like a legitimate mansion while your's looks like it was done by a 2-year-old. You can purchases any gingerbread house from stores like Target, or Five Below to add some competition into the holiday fun!

6. See the famous Christmas tree in NYC!

New York City is known during the holiday season for this beautiful Christmas tree, and every year and it attracts more and more tourists from all over! A great way to get some holiday pictures on your Instagram is taking one in front of this beautiful tree.

7. Go to a local Holiday Light Show! 

Ever year, designated houses like to overly decorate their homes with Christmas lights, blow ups, and people dressed in costumes to attract multiple guests to check out their light show! This attraction is incredibly fun to visit to see what each home can do to make their home looked decked out in lights throughout the course of the holiday season.

My boyfriend and I go each year, it has become a special tradition for us. Look up local light shows in your area for you and your significant other to visit and enjoy an extravagant night of lights!

8. Attend a Christmas Parade near you!

Local holiday parades are the best way to not only get families to come together to celebrate the holiday season, but also the community. Check out on your local community website about upcoming events regarding a holiday parade today!

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