Every year, the birthday of our nation has been celebrated to the extreme throughout the States. You can't go anywhere on the fourth without seeing everyone sporting their favorite American pride attire. It's a tradition that loved ones get together and spend the holiday together. For example, my family and I will usually go to a local parade and catch a firework show afterward. Usually before the fireworks, the announcer will have the entire crowd stand for the Star Spangled Banner and the Pledge of Allegiance. It is amazing to me to see so many people show their respect to their country. That is probably one of my favorite moments of the entire day because people are paying respect and honoring America.
Although this holiday is celebrated, it is celebrated for all the wrong reasons. Many people overlook what this day actually means. Some people look at the holiday as an excuse for a day off from work or other obligations. Let me take a minute and discuss what this holiday actually means. On July 4, 1776, the United States signed the Declaration of Independence to break its ties with Britain. After that date, we have no longer been under the rule of Britain, therefore making the United States a free country. Every year, we honor this date to commemorate our country’s freedom.
That being said, this Fourth of July I want you to remember the actual reasons for the holiday. Be thankful for your freedom. Have pride in our country. Lastly, honor those fighting to keep that freedom gained in 1776.
So from me to you, Happy Fourth of July! I hope you spend it with loved ones and have an amazing time. Be sure to catch a parade and some fireworks. Show your American pride by wearing your red, white, and blue! Finally, have fun!! I hope you enjoy my favorite holiday as much as I do!