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Never Hide Your Pride: Here's How You Can Celebrate

To mark Pride Month 2023, a number of big and independent brands have released Pride collections.

Never Hide Your Pride: Here's How You Can Celebrate

The month of June celebrates how far LGBTQ+ have come while also recognizing the work that still needs to be done. Over the past couple of years, big name brands have started to release clothing collections, often covered in rainbow colors.

To celebrate, a number of brands have collaborated with LGBTQ+ artists for their collections and campaigns. Here are a few brands that have partnered with these artist and show their love and support:


Target has dropped apparel, accessories, jewelry, homeware, party supplies and even pet products featuring colorful designs.

To mark Pride Month 2023, the retailer has teamed up with LGBTQ+ artists to create capsule collections. They’ve also confirmed a continuing partnership with GLSEN, which creates affirming, accessible and anti-racist spaces for LGBTQ+ students.

Target’s 2023 Pride capsule collection is available to shop in-store and at


Adidas has released its “Let Love Be Your Legacy” collection inspired and designed by Rich Mnisi.

The collection spans both lifestyle and performance pieces featuring silhouettes across Adidas Originals, football, cycling, sportswear and swim. This includes a take on the brand’s popular Stan Smith shoes. They have also teamed up with Tom Daley, who has written a love letter to sport, which he says is “a space for everyone”.

The collection is now available to shop at .

American Eagle

American Eagle has teamed up with influencer Olivia Ponton for a colorful collection of genderless t-shirts, boxers and accessories to mark Pride Month 2023. To mark the range, the retailer will continue its support to It Gets Better Project by donating $100,000.

The collection is available to shop in-store and at


Apple has released its limited-edition watch face and band to mark Pride Month, which features the colors of the inclusive pride flag in geometric shapes.

For 2023, the tech giant has released a new design that they say has been “inspired by the strength and beauty of the LGBTQ+ community”. They’re continuing their work with Equality Federation Institute, GLSEN, The Trevor Project and more.

The Pride Edition Sport Band will be available in-store on May 24th and online May 23rd.


And my personal favorite, and not just because my bestie is represented with her love, and fur baby... but also because PetSmart is representing by doing a: You Are Loved collection.

They proudly support the LBGTQ+ community with a $200,000 donation to GLSEN. And who doesn't want to celebrate the spirit of Pride with their pet? How cute is that bowtie?

That's just to name a few big name brands. Check out the beautiful merch and find ways you can represent yourself and/or your loved ones who don't hide their pride!

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